Urgh, my head hurts. Has for most of the day. I think it might be the stress of my store opening tomorrow finally getting to me. Or maybe it’s the fact that on top of that one of my employees quit due to poor health and not being able to work reliable or consistent hours. I’m frustrated she turned out to not be reliable, but also relieved she owned up to that. Now I have to go through resumes though and pick new applicants, and do interviews tomorrow and Thursday. Not fun. Lots of work. Plus, starting tomorrow I wont have a day off in the next 12 days. Part of that is elective, but still.
Anyway, I made a cup of this (1 1/2 tsp. in 8 oz. of water steeped for 4 minutes in boiling water) while helping Tre rewrite/edit his resume. He really needs a job, and is only just now looking for one since moving to Saskatoon (where as I started looking immediately). Since I’m going through resumes today anyway and I have far superior writing/editing skills than he does I told him I’d review his resumes.
And I’m sure as hell glad I did. It was SO fucking unprofessional. Not only was there no capitalization or punctuation, but he still had his address listed as the one in Regina he used to live at, it was littered with typos and spelling errors, and he didn’t have any references listed at all (not even a “references available upon request” at the bottom). Maybe worst of it all, under “goals” he had written “makes money own a restaurant”. I know he’s smarter than that – so I’m editing it with him now.
To start, we formatted everything properly, updated his address, added a “references available upon request” to the bottom (now he just has to gather the contact info of his references, which he apparently “never got around to doing”), and are working towards sharpening his wording and including things like an availability section and relevant skills section.
Find a long term position in the food industry with the opportunity for career growth and advancement sounds MUCH better than make money own a restaurant – right?
I think all this is only worsening my headache.
Anyway, the tea was delightful. I think I hit the perfect steeping amount with the leaf I used. It was smooth and creamy milk chocolate tasting despite there being no milk added – and the strawberry shawn through quite nicely. The black tea base was also present and not even a little bitter or astringent. Overall, just a really perfect decadent dessert tea like usual. I think it really helped stave off the urge I was having to just run out to the nearest 7-11 and pick up a large tub of ice cream to just comfort binge on. God, my store opens TOMORROW. I feel so underprepared…
Good luck tomorrow! I hope you feel better soon! And I tried this today but I think next time I will use your steeping method because the tea you had and the one I had sound very different.
Good luck tomorrow! I hope you feel better soon! And I tried this today but I think next time I will use your steeping method because the tea you had and the one I had sound very different.
I’m sure tomorrow will be fabulous. I look forward to hearing all about it!
Good luck!
Maybe you can hire Tre to work with you, ha ha. Good luck with everything, you will do great as the manager.