I recently bought 50g of this because I had it hot in store and it was AMAZING. Since buying it, this is the first time I’ve had it – and to prepare this I cold steeped about 3 tbsp. of it in a pitcher of water.
This cold steeped in my fridge for somewhere around 12 hours, I think? I strained the leaf out of it early this morning before work, but waited until now to pour myself a glass of it. I usually try to do 10-12 hour cold steeps when I’m steeping a full pitcher. I got some of the giant flowers into the dry leaf and some of the huge candied strawberry chunks too (Tea Desire sure does love blends with big chunks of stuff in them). I don’t think there were many of the red currants, though.
The liquor is a very near clear yellow. Seriously, it’s just the slightest touch yellow. For a second I didn’t think 12 hours had been long enough – because when I had it hot the liquor was a more more medium toned yellow. However, after trying a few sips just now it’s fairly flavourful and I think it did steep for a pretty good amount of time.
I actually am trying this cold brewed as per the recommendation of one of the Tea Desire sales ladies who said this is how she likes this blend best. As I’m sipping now, there’s a bit more of a vegetal taste to the drink that when I had it hot (from the bamboo, I’m thinking) and a more present floral note in the aftertaste. As odd as it sounds, it tastes kind of like how sunflowers smell. Yeah – that’s a weird description I know. The strawberry is really present, and the currant (something I think really sweetened my first cup) less so. Overall, I still very much like this as a cold brew: it’s still quite sweet and super refreshing. Like last time, I’m getting “Fruit Loops” – just a little less concentrated.
I need to try hot steeping it with my own tools to see if I can recreate the taste I drank when Tea Desire made it for me, but if that taste can be replicated consistently as a hot brew than it’s safe to say that I actually prefer this one better hot (but only because of the stronger taste of fruit loops). I wanted to try this carbonated, but I was expecting the taste to be a bit bolder, and now I’m thinking it wouldn’t be the best idea to do this one carbonated at this concentration level: I think the sweetness and fruit loopiness of it would get too watered down and wouldn’t be flavourful.
I still have lots of carbonated water left, so time to think about what else might be good carbonated…