Tea number five out of my order of six teas from Della Terra. I’m a little ashamed at how long it’s taken me to get through these ones.
I’m not really sure how this one ended up one of the last ones for me to try since it was one of the ones I was most excited for when I placed my order, and it smells divine. The dry leaf, to me, smells like a cross between an honest to goodness s’more and a Charleston Chew vanilla nougat chocolate bar. I’m ok with both comparisons though – I enjoy both. I’m kind of surprised by how strongly you can smell the graham crackers and flavouring in the dry leaf: for whatever reason I wasn’t expecting to smell them and thought of them more as “the novelty” in the tea that made it a “s’more” and not just marshmallows and chocolate.
I steeped a level 1/2 tablespoon (1 1/2 tsp.) for my 6 oz. cup and steeped with near boiling water for approx. 3 min. 30 seconds. The liquor was a kind of medium to darkish brown colour and smelled heavenly (and very strongly of marshmallows). I’m feeling really impatient this morning (lots to do today, just sort of domestically around the house) so I added in a splash of milk to cool down the tea so I could drink it right away, however I didn’t taste the tea beforehand so I’ll have to do another comparison/review without milk.
Drinking, the initial taste is a really chocolatey black tea that gives way to a nice creamy, vanilla marshmallow flavour. The graham cracker notes are harder for me to notice, but I can tell that they’re there (again, that was more than I was expecting anyway). The flavour of the black tea base next to the marshmallows sort of mixes to create a semi “burnt marshmallow” flavour which is awesome to me – I love burnt marshmallows (I actually go out of my way to burn my marshmallows on purpose). However, at the core of the burnt marshmallow you still have the ooey gooey center.
Overall, I think this is a really good dessert tea and would be perfect for late nights during the summer if you’re either actually camping and want to pass on the calorie overload of an actual s’more or if you’re stuck in the city unable to actually go camping and you want to experience some of the awesomeness of camping anyway. I think Tre will like this one, so I’m gonna put off letting him try it for as long as possible.
But yes, this is a hit for me!