Popular Tasting Notes
I can’t taste black tea anymore (due to meds), so it’s nice to find some earl grey green! the bergamot can be a bit overpowering, so I definitely only steep it for 2 minutes; any more and the tea is a little bitter and the bergamot is too strong. otherwise, a nice, cheaper tea – I get it more because of nostalgia than anything else. :)
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus
Only one serving left of this tea… I hope they’ll bring it back next year. It’s really good with milk and brown sugar (like Pumpkin Chai). It’s less spicy than Pumpkin Chai, so I drink this when I want a “neutral”, almost straight tea. I can really taste the green rooibos and pumpkin. Unfortunately there is a slight soap-ish aftertaste which I don’t like. But a very comforting drink.
Flavors: Pumpkin, Rooibos, Soap
DAVIDsTEA 24 Days of Tea: Day 2 out of 24
Chai is sort of my thing: I enjoy making it from scratch, and have been doing so for a few years now. Over time, I’ve developed a blend of spices that I really enjoy, at the cost of being hesitant to try pre-made chai blends from retailers. Since I know it won’t be exactly the same proportions of spices, it’s likely I won’t enjoy it as much as my recipe. But, when I opened today’s calendar slot and was greeted with this, I took it as an exercise to offer a more open mind to “other chai”. Not to mention that I was in the mood for vanilla today, which helped. :)
Tasted straight and with half-and-half + raw sugar. Straight, it’s surprisingly sweet-tasting: I had to double check the ingredient list to see if there was added sugar. Sadly, I didn’t taste much vanilla, despite seeing the specks of vanilla bean in the tea. Most of the flavor was cinnamon and ginger. In the end, I couldn’t get over the cloying sweetness I felt in the straight tea.
Fared better with half-and-half, although the vanilla I was expecting was still very mild. With the milk cutting the sweetness down to a reasonable level, I tasted more notes of clove.
All-in-all, not my favorite tea by a long shot. I’ll keep on making my homemade chai for the time being.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Vanilla
I’m baaaaaaack until I get busy again which will probably be three hours from now lol. College has been a bear recently and I haven’t been drinking a lot of tea recently. Coffee is a lot easier to drink. However, I started thinking about tea again when my ENT informed me that for the next week I cannot have any green tea for the next week. I’m getting allergy tested next week and as green tea affects inflammation, I’m temporarily banned. And of course, I now want to pick up some matcha and make a latte.