Popular Tasting Notes
Full disclosure, I’m not normally one for Breakfast teas.
Wow, wow, wow, wow! SO strong. Smooth. and STRONG. Is this Assam? Seems like it might be Assam… DAMN IT’S STRONG. People really steep this for 5 minutes?
OKAY, LET’S ADD SOME MILK! BETTER! Less strong! More creamy!
Milk was a good choice.
Edit: This review is the result of 7 different cups of black tea on an empty stomach. I’m going to leave it as is to warn about the dangers of writing reviews while highly caffeinated. Oh, the shame.
Stay in school, don’t do drugs, moderation in all things – even tea.
Chain reaction:
Feed the dog.
Attention, kibble escape: reaches for the water bowl.
Vaguely notice, don’t care.
Dog notices.
Dog eats kibbles, keeps the extra juicy one for dessert.
Dog has a choice: drink the water (it’s full), but not that patient and thirsty.
Dog goes for what seems to be the obvious choice: spills the water all over the kitchen and eats kibble.
Dog now satisfied.
Water everywhere, slippery, I fall once. Soaked PJ’s, bruised tooshie.
Haven’t had a decent cup of tea yet.
Take a break and read some Steepster notes.
Get inspired by this tea, decide to fix myslef a pot.
Tin is out of reach.
Pull out the mini bench from under the counter.
Stretching, on the tip of my toes.
Tin is really at an awkwardly high place…
Oh-oh…feel a bench slip coming. Water…spill not cleaned properly.
Damn kibble.
Major dangerous off balance feeling…tin is grabbed at last second…
I go flying… I mean, FLYING folks.
Stainless steel stove drawer ends my fall.
Assam tea tin: checked! Still firmly held in one hand.
I know tea dedication when I see it.
Tea is good right now…was it worth it? Let me think about that…
ETA : in this disarray, I forgot to describe the tea, sorry!
It provides such a beautifully rich malty smooth assam cup, a tad astringent just the way I like. It’s on the fruity side this one. Very good quality, at such a decent price once again. Zen tea is so affordable, perfect place if you are starting a straight tea journey, you can buy many samples for very cheap. I buy this one by the tin, time to replace it!
Keychange, i’m standing still!!!
Caile, «LOL» to say the least! Too bad there wasn’t a camera on me, i would have posted it here. I’m ok thanks :-)
When I loose kibble, or cereal. .heh, really anything that lands on the floor for that matter. . .Ive learned my lesson to tend to it immediately. I have four dogs who always show up, but I bark a really loud “HEY!” at them, so I can get to the dropped items first. However, I have managed to slip on my one dog’s drool a few times. Usually I have to put him outside while i prepare food (he never drools except at food time and its a LOT of drool. yuck!!). But sometimes he thinks its food time when its not, and I don’t notice, until I slip on it. :)
Thanks Cryptickoi, just a little sore!
Caile, yay for preserving the tea at any cost, right? Paraplegic, but tea fortunate!!
Shelly, i have only one dog and he’s a neat freak and so obedient! i’m very surprised he did this!
Wow, guess you have to be organized with 4 dogs in the house! (I have a few cats also). But as much as I love him, I don’t think I could handle another dog. ( maybe the fact that he’s the size of a giraffe has something to do with that lol)
I have cats too. Its a zoo, I need to be in control. haha. My dogs are all spaniels 12-20lb. As for giraffe dogs, I don’t think I could afford to feed more than one of those regardless of what my patience can handle :D
Ouch, I hope you are not feeling too sore. So, now that you have had time to think, was the tea worth it? :)
Well roughage, I’ve consulted the tooshie, and all is find, was totally worth it. Not the tea’s fault. Must reevaluate my storage abilities, why such a favourite was kept so out of reach to begin with?
:(( Boooo glad you are ok, be careful, sometimes the hurts show up the next day. Relax and drink some tea.
Do you like cantaloupe? No, seriously, do you like it? Even just a little bit? If so, I advise you drop whatever it is you’re doing, even reading this sad excuse for a review, and buy this tea now if you haven’t done so already.
The dry leaf is beautiful. The helichrysum evokes images of breathtaking meadows. And the smell is EXACTLY like cantaloupe.
I brewed up a couple cups worth and watched as the leaves gently expanded. The mouthwatering aroma of cantaloupe filled my kitchen as I anxiously waited to take the first sip.
It tastes a lot like how it smells. Actually, I think it’s even juicier. I don’t think I could ever add anything to this. I don’t really get any creaminess though. It’s more like fresh, crisp cantaloupe.
If you’re a melon fan of any kind, (I’m sure) trying this tea would be a must.
I haven’t tried this one yet, but if its as good as the watermelon xylophone was, I’ll have to check it out
I’m normally off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays…are eithr of these days good for you? You can PM me if you like.
It’s so hard to find anything watermelon-flavoured that isn’t ultra fake, but I have tons of faith in Stacy. :D
Thanks to MissB for this tidbit!
this is an unusual incarnation of a mint chocolate chip blend ;0)
okay, i cheated, i peeked at the ingredients, which (because i cheated) revealed absolutely nothing! mint is a given, chocolate too, there would be issues with my palate if i didn’t notice the tea…. but i’m getting citrus! there’s no reason to think the ingredients are other than as listed…. there are lemon breeds of peppermint, sage too for that matter. you can also have one crop affect another by proximity to something like lemon balm or lemon thyme.
the citrus note is neat! very unusual! i FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS for the first steep (yeah, yeah— pick your jaws up off the floor, lol) but next time round i think i’d prefer a longer steep.
no numbers til it sits on the counter for 4.5 instead of 3. ;0P
Citrus? Wowza. Yea, it’s a simple tea: black fujian and mint. This is the one I brought with me to DAVIDs the other day and smelled up the joint. Maybe I messed up somehow when parsing it out? Boo.
Lmao! Well, of course, it’s possible. I mean, I loves me some citrus. I’ll have to drink some more now to see if I get that, too. I just remember mint chocolate chip ice cream when I had it.
Oh JustJames, I’m always booing myself. How on earth could I possibly ever boo, you? Nah, you’re awesomesauce.
now, for clarification purposes, is that like the stuff the white spot covers their cheeseburgers in? because that stuff is addictive. it makes me happy…. and now that i’ve thought of it i really want it, DRAT!!!!!
I could see the citrus. I haven’t had this tea, but I have had several several fujian blacks, some of which have the fruity citrus/lychee note, either underneath or even as a top note at times. So, I could definitely see where that might come from.
i have a…..unique….. olfactory sense. i’m the whacko that can taste ingredient 22 in the chocolate chip cookies, lol.
lol, sometimes! i smell everything, even the stuff you really have no desire to sometimes! =0\ it also has its perks though! i thought this blend was inspired! very original. what i can’t state for certain is the origin or the citrus i’m detecting. (not my skill set)
Thanks, James! You should try some of my other teas sometime – they are actually inspired ;) I wish my palette was more refined. It’s getting there :)
From reading your reviews, I feel like you might find a bunch of my teas interesting. If you’ve got a moment, read this and you can understand what I mean :) http://whisperingpinestea.com/whyus.html
i agree…. i have to duck rooiboos a bit though =0(
manistee moonrise looks very interesting. i was trained as a painter, i love it if my tea paints a picture, has a story…. odd though that may seem.
dear god. I need to pick this tea up. It’s on my wishlist now. I’ve been sitting puttering on the computer and i kept smelling caramel…like the caramel that tea gschwewerjoe…makes…which was strange because i only brewed two straight teas this morning. Finally took a sip of this tea and it’s the tea! God. i’m in love with this. Another tea that cookies shared…it seriously reminds me of tea g’s caramel tea (which i love) but it’s not flavoured! the flavouring isn’t intensely caramel but this is for sure the only tea i’ve had where it’s this strong. usually i just get hints of it.
oh man…just got lost on the store…this might just push me in to my first aliexpress order…
haha i can spell it if i think about it while typing – i took 3 yrs of german…but it’s like blergamot..why spell it right! haha
Yay, glad you like this one! Really an unbelievable tea for its price. I always order off their webpage so I can use Paypal.
Yes, I didn’t even know they had an Ali store. http://dragonteahouse.biz
what’s funny is i looked before going to ali and couldn’t find it…then 10 mins after you posted they had a store i DID find it.. bah lol thanks! Going to need to look in to this.. i already built a cart for like 80$ lol
Dragon Teahouse is one of those that sells on multiple platforms. They also have ‘stores’ on eBay and Amazon. This tea sounds really good.
i only placed 3 orders…and one was fairly small. I don’t anticipate buying anything else in december though, AND next year it’s stck to budget… so this is my last splurge
Oh no, no, no, this is not working for me.
A while ago, I told Dexter I had never tried Verdant’s blends and she was generous enough to send me a few.
This morning, reading Sarsonator ’s review, I realized I still had this sample.
She wrote in her review that it was “orange and weird”, and I must agree with her. There’s something off in this. I actually love all the ingredients part of this blend and I have to rule them all out except one.
The culprit: coriander.
I like coriander, but it belongs in my food. And there is a lot in this sample! I think the proportion of ingredients is unbalanced.
It tastes like citrus peel with a little cinnamon and lots of coriander.
Too bad, cause it has potential, but it’s just not for me.
Thank you Dexter for sending me some, now I know I don’t have to buy it :-)
Hhmmmmm coriander. Mystery solved. I guess you won’t be wanting me to send you the rest of my 1oz bag. :p
Yes, now I’m gonna eat cherries to wash my mouth :-) It’s not as if I had some amazing Gulf oysters on the grill tonight, but cherries will have to do for now;-)
Lol, Sarsonator, I thanked you for that on your post, you are so sweet for offering, but yes, I’m gonna pass, you are stuck with it for now, (unless you want to give it another chance???)
I noticed that so e people really liked it when I checked the tasting notes! Maybe my boyfriend will like it!
The amazing grilled Gulf oysters were pretty amazing. so was the fromage blanc and ripe plum gelato :O
But you have CHERRIES
Vanilla Citrus blend also has coriander so I couldn’t take it either. I like coriander in rye bread only
It’s cloudy this morning and I did not sleep a wink last night, but must somehow get it together to go to work and toil away on a big, complicated project.
Thanks to Mandala tea, I have my own Morning Sun today. :)
The wise man J. Krishnamurti once said, “One has to be a light to oneself”
Trying to stay positive and keeping on! what else can you do?
Thanks to all my Steepster friends for the supportive thoughts, it really means a lot to me.
I’m glad you are trying to stay positive. It can be pretty difficult especially in your type of situation. I’ll be your personal cheer squad as long as I don’t have to use pom poms. ;)
Hopefully, the big, complicated project will take your mind off things. I’ve found that just getting out of bed and maintaining the routine can be the best medicine. Best wishes!
I need to get this in my next mandala order! It didn’t make the cut last time I ordered as I had to skim back but I really want to try it soon!
Oh they have so much goodness to choose from! :)
I am getting a water treatment system on payday for sure!
I mailed you some tea this morning! You are a beautiful person. May happiness alight in your heart soon! :)
Oh gosh, sorry I missed your news Amy. But I have a feeling you are going to be fine and stronger when the sting/punch wears off some. Hang in there chicka, we all know you can :)
Tea people are like those fairy godmothers flying around you in Cinderella! (I think I have the right movie …) you get the picture though …
I went to the hospital this morning, and I saw great beauty.
There was an older man sitting next to me in the waiting room. He told me he had a brain tumour and only 6 months to live.
I asked what were his plans for the next 6 months. With tears in his eyes, he pointed at the little boy next to him, his grandson. His daughter was also there. He told me he was going to spend as much time as possible with them.
Then the little boy, (three years old) got up, gently took his grandpa’s face between his two miniature hands and stared. He said with a big smile on his face: «Don’t be sad Pappy, all the pain is gone…»
I cried. His daughter cried. Then we all looked at the little boy, and laughed. It was one of those moments where you can’t help reflect on your own life. It was special. That little boy will be forever in my heart and so will be the old man.
When I got home, I was exhausted, but grateful. Grateful to have time in front of me to love and cherish those who are important to me.
I chose to dink this tea for its beauty and purity.
It’s clean, and it gives me some peace and quiet inside. It’s very sweet, brothy and slightly vegetal. It’s milky in a rice milk kind of way. It’s soothing. It’s what I need.
I don’t have much else to say, just thought I’d share this beautiful story with you all :-)
Thank you guys, I’m glad I’m not the only one who was touched by this little boy today…
Inranger, that’s what it was all about :-)
It’s the little things that mean so much. And words from a child the purest and most honest sayings.
Thank you for sharing this lovely story! A great reminder to enjoy every moment in your life, especially with loved ones
I’m sitting here sobbing. This so beautiful and so heart-wrenching. I lost my very beloved Daddy to brain tumors much, much too soon. I want to hug that little boy and that man so hard. It’s Father’s Day next weekend and that is always a bittersweet time for me and he’s been gone for years now. Thank you for sharing this.
It’s OK really. I still miss him a way lot. My Daddy was hilarious and and loving and I was the light of his life. I got a lot
From my Daddy and I have great memories.
Not always the biggest fan of white teas, but I do have my favourite Bai Mu Dan and Silver Needle. Never had a white pu’erh until I’ve tried Mandala’s teas.
Another first is the look of this tea. Very unusual cute little white buds, they are just perfect. The look like mini pinecones.
Since it’s my first experience with this type of tea, I diligently followed Mandala’s instructions (If you know me, you know I’m usually not so good at following “the rules”!)
The brewed liquor is really pale, almost colourless.
This is sweet and fresh at the same time, it reminds me of the purest maple water. It’s almost candy sweet and It’s got that soft mineral alkalinity, it’s round and velvety in the mouth. It’s similar to some yellow tea I really love. It’s subtle, but there’s still a nice distinct pu’erh earthiness to it.
Awww…I’ve fallen in love with so many teas lately! Thought I was all set with my usuals, and now I keep adding to my staple list. That’s your fault Garret! (And Dexter3657’s, and Sil’s, lol!) But that’s what I call a good problem, is it not?
It was pretty spectacular, it provided a beautiful relaxation moment… This was a blind buy and I’m so happy I went for it. It reminded me of happy times when I was just a little girl.
My grand father was everything to me, he was a mentor and his influence made me who I am today. He was a hard working farmer, and a maple syrup producer. He was a master at transforming quenching maple water into the most amazing treat ever. I’d spend hours at the sugar shack watching him perform his art. He’d let me drink the maple water directly from the bucket that had collected the precious nectar from maple trees. If you ever tasted maple sap, you know it’s unlike any other beverage. Here, we now find maple water at the grocery store, just like coconut water. Not quite as good and fresh as having it directly from the tree but close enough!
This tea was a good reminder of those happy memories…
Maple water definitively didn’t reach yet my part of the world !I need to try this. Grand parents are often a big part of what we are, I miss mines
Ysaurella & Stephanie, I really hope that maple water sold in stores reaches your part of the world eventually :-) It is something new even here, about time someone thought about the fact that there’s a market for it.
I got some of this on the way! Maple water sounds great TeaFairy! We do molasses in my neck of the woods.
Well its only my interpretation of it, maybe you’ll find molasses in yours mrmopar :-)
I just hope you enjoy its purity and unusualness as much as I did…let me know!
We have birch tree water in Russia. We used to joke that its just water with sugar added. is maple water clear or have some color?
Boychik, that’s interresting, I never heard of birch tree water before, do you make syrup out of it like we do with maple? Yes, maple water is clear.
just juice. here is the link
I hate c25k with the burning passion of a thousand suns. There I said it. Now let’s move on.
Here’s another Explore China tea, and as some of you may have noticed it’s a Yunnan black.
“Hey, hang on!” I hear some of you exclaim. “You keep saying you don’t care for Yunnan blacks!”
“Yes,” I answer, “that is quite correct. Well spotted! However, there is the odd exception to the rule, and this is it.”
“But you keep saying that Yunnan black tastes like hay and you can spot it mile off!” I hear some of you protesting.
“I can. But not ALL Yunnan black tastes like hay. Most do, but some don’t,” I reply patiently.
“Hmmm…” I hear some of you mutter sceptically. “Ang with a Yunnan black… this cannot end well.”
Well, let’s not turn the whole thing into a screenplay, lest we be forced to act it out. 95% of all Yunnan black teas I seem to come across are the golden type. Those, I do not much care for. Those, I often feel is a mouthful of wet hay. Those, I can only drink and enjoy when in the proper mood (under which circumstances I do find them very enjoyable)
But this stuff is different. This stuff is like being smacked round the head with toffee! I want to say it’s a bit chocolate-y, but that’s not really it. Neither is it properly caramel-y, so fudge or toffee is the closest I can get here. It’s that sort of candy-like sweetness with a touch of malt underneath. Just enough to make it not smell like a sweetie shop and just enough to give it a hint of grain.
I have to say I botched the steeping slightly because I wasn’t using the timer and it went slightly over the time I had expected it to end up at, but I can inform you that the leaves didn’t care. It’s not bitter, it’s not astringent, and it doesn’t even taste particularly strong.
There’s a slightly woody flavour to it, which somehow comes across as a more mature sort of that hay flavour that I normally associate this region with.
It’s also rather more cocoa-y than it was in the aroma and less of the other types of sweets I mentioned. The malt is still there though, just a little bit, and the grain-y aspect is a little less obvious.
I had this tea yesterday as well, three steeps of it. I have to say the third steep wasn’t really all that worth the effort, as it was quite thin in flavour, but it was still fairly nice. I’m quite pleased with this purchase.
And if anybody can explain to me what it is that makes such a huge difference between this Yunnan black (or those dragon balls for that matter) and those other golden ones, the ones that I don’t care for, please do.
Oh my, C25K… I am going to start that as soon as I am sure the temperature isn’t going to spike back up again. I was halfway doing it about a month ago, and then I just couldn’t take the heat.
As to the Yunnan differences, I have no skills there, sorry.
We’ve been going in the evening or in the morning so we avoided most of the worst heat, but some days were still pretty dire. This morning it was raining, though, which wasn’t really that much of an improvement. We’re on week 3 now.
c25k? Couch To Five Kilometers. It’s a jogging program for beginners where the difficulty is gradually increased over (I think) nine weeks. At the end of the program you should be capable of jogging five kilometers.
Interesting concept that c25k. I think it would kill me but interesting. I totally enjoyed the screenplay. :D
It’s killing me and husband won’t allow me to quit. He bikes a lot so he’s in shape, and so far in the program doesn’t even get freaking out of breath, while Certain Others can only wheeze.
I tried running about ten years’ back (I was never the sporty type even as a youngster), but I gave it up – apart from being hard work, it was so mind-numbingly boring! I’m a naturally fast walker who never gets anywhere very fast because there is always so much to stop and look at, listen to or, even, smell – whether I’m on a city street or out in the countryside. Having to ignore things to keep on running was an absolute torture for me. No way was I going to that for the rest of my life.
alaudacorax, I agree! In school my whole week was made if PE got cancelled. I don’t like being out of breath; I find it so unpleasant, and I I don’t like sweating either. Bodily fluids, even my own, ick me out to no end. There are times when this is really very impractical indeed, running being one of them.
Skulleigh, I haven’t reached that point yet. Right now I’m hating it enough that I’m not sure I ever will, but if I do manage to make it all the way through the program I’ll probably try to keep up the habit. Even if I do hate it, it’s good for the body and I don’t really fancy risking the alternative. :)
my other half woke me up this morning with cinnamon raisin toast and this tea..which he figured out how to make on his own using teh internets lol I love that man!
well we’re not hitched yet (september) but some days he really gets it right. “I wanted to make a tea i know you’d like..but i couldn’t find Laoshan Black…” awe….
Now you see? Dinner and dancing are all very nice, but nothing says love like someone stepping out of their comfort zone to please their partner. That is true romance!
No need to adjust your monitor… yes, this is me, writing a tasting note at 8:30 am. My daughter left for school about 45 minutes ago, and usually by now I’m already back in bed and sleeping.
But today, my husband is taking me out to breakfast before he has to go to work… so I am actually awake AND drinking tea while waiting for him to take his shower and ready himself.
This tea is really good. Smooth, caramel-y goodness, and the cream cheese notes seems to come through toward the end of the sip. If I slurp, I notice the buttery pastry notes and it really all comes together for me as caramel cheesecake. Quite yummy!
I don’t know that this is one that I would normally fix for myself as the first cup of the day, as I find the base to be a little less invigorating than I want for my first cup, but … I’ve been wanting to try this for a while, and I’m glad I did. Even though I probably could use a stronger kick right now… hopefully the caffeine will start hitting me soon.
I am soooo not a morning person. Who ever came up with this morning business ought to be fired, and then shot.
But some of us LIKE mornings and are night night owls….although I have realized that anytime of day is doable with enough caffeine and some motivation (er procrastination….)
I agree LiberTEAS! Two of my morning classes were cancelled this week and it’s been bliss, sweet bliss…
Dry, it’s sweet, caramelly, and nutty-smelling. A bit of strawberry, but it’s not too prominent. Steeped, the aroma is sweet and caramelly, with a distinct strawberry note. Well, more like a strawberry song. Delicious.
I was a bit wary of a 5-minute infusion, but have realized that DavidsTea’s blacks tend not to steep up quite as harshly as others, so my standard three minutes isn’t long enough. Turns out 5 minutes was not bad (although perhaps 4 would have eliminated the astringency I’m getting). The base is malty and somewhat astringent, with a lovely caramelly flavour. The strawberry isn’t as prominent as I would have expected. It’s funny though – this combination does actually make me think Strawberry Shortcake! Not my favourite dessert though, but it reminds me of Thinking Day celebrations in Girl Guides.
I’ll have to try again with a bit of a reduced infusion time, as astringency is not my friend, but this one’s pretty decent. Not likely something I’d pick up again, but a perfectly good tea.
Thanks :D
And Bonnie, Thinking Day is February 22, the day that the founder of Girl Guides (& Girl Scouts) and his wife were born. Lord & Lady Baden-Powell. There’s usually a celebration of sorts in the Guiding community centred around this day; in Saskatoon we would have a family celebration that involved games, bake sales, cake walks, and of course, strawberry shortcake. This particular celebration is no more though; I guess it was outdated, so they do other things now. But it’s firmly implanted in my memory as that was what we did through my years as a girl member!
Oh It wasn’t called World Thinking Day Till 1999 maybe it was hit or miss before that time I remember the penny drive part.
Probably also differences between Canada and the US :) IIRC it has been Thinking Day in Canada since I was a Brownie, which would have been in 1992-ish?
‘’with a distinct strawberry note. Well, more like a strawberry song.’’ Very poetic. I had to stop and comment. (That’s why I love to read reviews)
A bit belated, but thanks everyone :) Need to talk to the supervisor and hopefully it does translate into a bit more money for me than I would have received otherwise, but it’s another line on my CV regardless :)
So now I know what it is like to have buyers remorse for those who buy YQH and do all they can to make it taste better than it is because of the price tag…
Tea Urchin is my go to place for high end stuff that makes e feel good, but this one did not do that. I should have read more about it online to know it wasn’t within my own preferences of a tea, but when there’s a group buy and you get deals… TRY EVERYTHING!
This particular sheng is in the medium to dark range for a sheng. Typically I like my raw tea to have essence of flower or fruit making it seem like it was a cake worth breeding with things that the bees like, not that the flies like; which leads me to this dark, damp wet hay. Some people really enjoy that taste, I do not.
I am in luck though, I can put 25g of this in the pu’erh TTB that is coming around :)
However, I need to find someone to swap the rest with because I won’t drink this… I’m becoming pickier with my sheng; but not my beengholes :P
p.s. for reference, I did steep this 14 times because it last and I love me some TU so it was hard hard hard to go ‘this is the first one I don’t want to hold onto’
If someone has “buyer’s remorse” with YQH they can send it right to me – I will give it a loving home right up until it goes down my neck and I will savor every drop.
I know of at least four people, but that only surfaced after I made a remark; seemed like they didn’t want to because nobody is making those comments.
I’m sorry but “do all they can to make it taste better than it is because of the price tag” is pretty insulting. Why would I even want make stuff up? I’ve spent countless hours talking to people, reviewing and discussing these teas not to spread misinformation but to educate myself and other on what they are all about. On top of that I sampled up nearly half a cake out of pocket the last few months to people that asked about trying certain cakes.
Also to label the whole brand as overpriced, hyped or whatever is shortsighted. You have 3 reviews posted here on steepster, maybe you tried more Idk but there were 39 different teas being offered by Mr Yang and Emmett. Imagine trying 3 teas from any vendor, not loving them and then saying well they all must suck cause these did, seems a bit silly no?
You and others didn’t like them? That’s cool, there are plenty of teas I don’t like that lots of people love. I respect their opinion and they respect mine, like Cwyn said in her blog post, no one can tell you what tastes best to your taste buds.
I don’t want to make it sound like you attacked me personally cause you didn’t. Just like you said you speak for people with buyers remorse, I believe I speak for the people that are very happy with how they spent their money.
@Grill it actually isn’t insulting because if you read it in context it is in regards to those who experience buyers remorse. In regards to the amount I’ve tried; that’s the way things are realistically as I give a band 3 songs or a tv show 3 episodes before I decide to give more time to it (which is what money is)
There is just no way I’ll find an old leather taste to be appealing, but I’m always up to keep trying which is what I have been doing. I am the same with White2Tea: I’ve tried over 12 of their raw teas and I’ve only liked one…
Thought about the English language and realized that you could say that my comment could have offended you… but it wouldn’t be me who did it but rather those I have spoke to who explained that they too like me couldn’t find a way to enjoy the YQH samples that they had tried. Considering it all comes down to opinions it’s pointless to argue; we know Bernie is a better canidate then Trump, Honda makes better cars than Ford, wheat bread is better than white, Star Trek is better than Star Wars, oh and oolong is the best type of tea. I suppose I don’t realize that people don’t know me so reading my comments are tough. I’m just some dude drinking tea and spilling thoughts from the top of my head. No expectations at all. However, maybe I should review what I say and how I say it. Either way, I come to Steepster without much rereading or monitoring so that could be what I look into changing next for myself.
Data was hands down the best character on tv of all time. The entire human idenity is his character. Now that’s just one element of Star Trek. I suppose I’ll clarify: Star Trek TNG > Star Wars 4, 5, 6, and that recent remake where there is a larger Death Star in it but this time it blows up planets before it’s destroyed. TNG is hands down 110% more intellectually stimulating than Star Wars.Anyone who starts and finishes TNG will have gained an experience that just… It makes life better.
Voyager was not better than pretty much anything, except possibly Enterprise. DS9 was meh. TNG was MIGHTY but still not better than Star Wars, but close. Because Worf.
I have nothing against Star Wars. A good action movie, but Star Trek always intrigued me. I haven’t seen enterprise and am on season 4 of Voyager right now. TNG was my favorite. DS9 was close. What it lacked in “exploration” it made up for delving deeply into spiritual matters on many levels, and different types of ethical questions as other series. VOY and TOS are tied for me so far. To keep things on topic, I like watching Star Trek while drinking tea ;)
I’m a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars (and Doctor Who), but Stargate: SG-1 will probably always be #1 for me.
I’m with you on the YQH MzPriss. I dunno how people have “buyers remorse” with samples but am pretty sure anyone with cakes could find a new home for them fairly easy. Especially when there are price changes coming and declining inventory. Thanks for your comments and reviews Grill. I learned a lot from you and James and appreciate the time and effort you put into it. While I like some of the YQH line better than others my only regret is that I couldn’t get more… As they say, there is no accounting for taste. peace
Oh they know they are special, don’t they…I now understand why they don’t offer samples, why they only sell 4oz tins. Who’d want just a tiny little supply of this god damn fine tea?
I promise, you have a sip of this, and you want to curse like a lumberjack in action. %$&#&?!?&# this is good!!!
Full bodied, malty, just a little smoky, very assertive yet smooth, a Mr. Personality!
It’s not fancy, there are no poetic inspiration that comes to mind when I drink it…
It just pleases me in every possible way.
It’s as if I had spoken to my tea this morning and said something like this «TEA, I command you to taste like a slap in the face and satisfy my every desires like no other tea has ever done in the morning!» and this is what I would have gotten.
Thanks Dexter3657 for paying attention by adding this one for me, I understand why it’s her favourite blend. I was dying to try, but not willing to commit. Now it will be hard to stop me from placing an order.
Really? I wasn’t so sure that you would like this one….
Happy that you do – buy we need to talk about “stop me from placing an order”
Lol, I said «it will be hard» this means I’m HOPING someone WILL stop me cause the last thing I need is more tea!!! But this is sooo goood!!!
I have about 3/4 of a can if you want more – can send you some to tide you over until you get your cupboard under control….
Boychik, you are not helping at all ;-)
Awww! Dexter you are sweet… But considering how expensive they are, it would be very selfish on my part to accept such an offer. I just have to control myself!!!
But the tin I have was gifted to me by an incredibly generous Steepster friend – it’s a tea in my cupboard that I feel I should share… I won’t force it on you , but if you ever want more, just let me know. :))
And while we’re on this topic, have you tried all of A & D’s other teas yet? If not, I’ll be glad to send you samples of them :)
Terri, it is my understanding that they have only a few blends, right? I have tried only Tiger Assam (which I equally loved) and this one… I would NEVER ask you to send me something without giving in return :-) :-) :-)
So far, Double Knit is a regular item with Damn Fine, versus a limited edition. Double Knit is one of my favourite blends, EVER.
Let’s see…Here’s what I have:
double knit
tiger assam
Caravan – smokey black
Redtailed Hawk – black blend leaning more in the ceylon direction, a little bright, but still very drinkable
Chinese New Year aka Golden tips – A Dian Hong type
Spring – their latest, a Keemun type
I have a bunch of tea from you already, that were sent to me by Sil, so in a way, we’re already deep into a trade! :)
A&D have a special on: choose your own three-pack (from the regular stock) for $48, versus $20 per tin.
This tea is not out yet, i just found out tonight. I’ve had a sample for a little while now but was sitting on it for god knows what reason. Well whatever the reason was, it was a good one cause i don’t think I could have had a better session than tonight with it. It was the perfect timing.
Granted I love pretty much all types of oolong, I drink it everyday. I seek quality though. Don’t want to drink anything generic.
So I was pretty excited to try this one cause Big Red Robe is a highly praised oolong. And I like BRR a lot usually.
Just the smell of the dry leaf is divine: baked goods, roasted chestnut and almond, sweet and velvety. However, the first thing I get in steep one is a strong floral mouthfeel. The tea is just waking up.
Then, it’s a party in the mouth. Honey, almond, and the unthinkable…toasted coconut. That nice almost milky sweetness you get from coconut flakes toasted in the oven. This is all very subjective of course, it doesn’t make this tea anywhere near a flavoured coconut oolong. It’s just reminiscent of it.
It’s complex but so easy to drink. Nice rock minerals develop, and it remains very sweet.
It gets very juicy and refreshing, like a bright citrusy and oaky white wine.
Thank you Brenden for this generous sample. This is fancy oolong. I’m happy I got to try it, and I love that I had plenty to make a very satisfying gongfu session!
Pic’s session:
Yay, we have a winner. I really like this one. It reminds be a bit of Checkmate from Davids – but this is a better version of that.
This is a very nice chocolate vanilla tea.
I don’t have a lot to say about it. It’s not complex, it doesn’t try to be a lot of things. This is just a really nice chocolate dessert tea. I like it.
Thank you VariaTEA for this sample.
OMGsrsly actually sent this my way so she is the source of this tasty tea :). I am glad there is finally one you liked.
I got it from Cavo, who I think maybe got it from Sil. Haha. The tea has travelled well! I quite like this one too.
LOL it’s like a traveling tea box, except it’s just a single tea. This sample ends here- I’m drinking the last of it right now. Thanks to everyone who passed it along.
Well thank you for sharing :). I have one cup worth left and the rest I sent to Dex. I wanted to make sure that I liked the tea and that is why I enjoyed it as opposed to just being excited about it
Hahah. I love how this got around. I think Sil and I shared an order from the Steape Shoppe and then passed things along in various swaps. :P I didn’t care for this one as much, but I’m happy you guys did! For me, the cinnamon swirl bread was THE tea from them, and nothing could compare to it.
You keep track? Jeepers. I should do that. It’s out of control now, I’m so surprised I’ve yet to give someone duplicates. Or, maybe I have?
I had been keeping track, then I got caught up in the swapping craze. :) Spreadsheets, MissB. Spreadsheets.
I love the month of May, and today was such a beautiful day. Warm and sunny, and a good day to get a haircut. :)) There are lots of family Birthdays in May too.
My cousin and his twin niece and nephew celebrate on the 5th. We took in four kitties last year born on the 10th (Blackie didn’t make it :(( ). My Mom’s sister’s is the 11th, my special Beagle, Cookie was born on the 12th-she was born on Mother’s Day! My Dad’s is the 13th, his sister’s is the 14th. Then there’s [EH-HEM], Yours Truly, on the 15th. :)) A dear friend of mine is one day younger than me -the 16th. My Grandma’s was the 17th, & I miss her sweet, loving soul. I’m sure there’s a few others as well.
So yes, I love the month of May. Cookie was a black/white Beagle & Cocker mix; although, I didn’t notice much Spaniel in her. Everyone wanted me to call her Oreo, but I refused to think of a brand name every time I called her name. She was such a loving girl, and really special to me! She LOVED WALKS….WE loved walks, and we spent many happy hours together! :)) She always slept in my room with me like Lotis does now. He’s snoring at my feet right now.
It’s always so fun to celebrate my Birthday with Dad, as it was with Cookie. I wanted to remember her today by wearing my black Pittsburgh Steelers hat, a white T-shirt, and drinking a special tea. On with the review my friends.
When I opened the bad I noticed a stunning dark brown and furry (tippy) beige leaf- very tippy, the colors are intertwined. The aroma….SNIFFFF!! MMMMMMM….MMMMMMM…OMG!! That was my first reaction. The dry leaves smelled like a malted milk shake! Seriously….I was sniffing, until at some point I realized I had to stop and drink the tea. :))
I steeped per instructions using 2.5 -3 teaspoons of leaf. When the leaves hit my warmed glass press, the aroma intensified. Definitely malt milkshake aromas. The cup was a medium brown hue. In the cup, I smelled lighter choco-maltiness, with a light brown sugar sweetness (not dark). The wet tea leaves smelled chocolatey, toasty, with a medium (more mild) roasted marshmallow aroma. The cup flavors were malty , with a nice light (yet full mouth feel) chocolate goodness. My tongue and palate were satisfied without being heavy. I really didn’t detect the sweetness I noticed from the wet tea leaves and cup aroma.
After dinner, I added about 2 tsp leaves to the previous leaves and steeped for 5 minutes. The wet tea leaves smelled similar, but with more of a dark brown sugar sweetness. The cup itself was also slightly darker, more malty, with similar sweetness. Then I fell asleep and woke up to a cold cup of tea. :-// Well, it was still really good and malty, with slightly more chocolate flavor. I’m convinced you cannot oversteep this tea, as it was still smooth, mild-yet full flavored, and not bitter at all! :))
I’m glad I cupped this delicious, Pre-Chingming Golden Pekoe on this beautiful day and evening. A perfect tea to remember Cookie, my sweet dog, and all my family and friends-who I love, and celebrate. ’Here’s to us all’, and to the beautiful and special month of May! :))
Cupped & Reviewed: Saturday, May 12, 2012.
I hate when I fall asleep, waking to a cold cup of tea! :// It was still quite good though, and I wouldn’t cold brew it, but I’ll let my fellow Steepies comment on that one. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL THE GOOD MOTHERS! :))
I’m the 23’rd! 64 this year! Happy birthday to youuuuu! My dad would have been 92 the 9th, my niece eas 30 the 8th. Gotta love MAYYYY! HEYYYY! The other nice thing is being LEFT HANDED AND TEA!
Thanks! Hey, Im not 40++ just yet :)), but raising a cup to me on my Birthday, or any day is nice, and makes me smile. Well, one more cup of tea before I hit the hay.
By the way-I can celebrate early, can’t I ?!
@ScottTeaMan Lol and here I was trying to make sure I remember the date so I can comment on your birthday! I’m just going to say Happy Birthday right now then!
Happy birthday to all of you! My bday is this month as well – May is a great month! :)
Sorry to hear about your beloved Blackie.
This tea sounds amazing and I have yet to try Upton! this goes on the list! :)
My late grandmother’s was the 12th, as is one of my brothers. My dad’s is the 22nd. Mine (56) is the 21st. Happy Birthday to us all! The tea sounds awesome by the way.
This was my tea of the morning (no incident today, y’all, smooth easy going morning…)
I probably like Darjeeling as much as I do Assam. Some of them are as effective in the morning as any bold Assams.
This is another one I purchase by the tin (when I say by the tin, I mean 100g or more).
I only slightly prefer SF to FF cause they usually hold more of that fruity muscatel taste I like so much. I also love the fresh citrusy astringency this one offers (not bitter) that activates my tastebuds. That feature is usually more present in the FF I own. So this tea makes the Dajeeling worlds collide!
I’ve said in previous note on this tea that it feels like my favourite pair of denim: it hugs me in all the right places. Well nothing has changed.
I’m in love with this tea and always surprised it hasn’t received more reviews.
(See previous note)
Today was a very good day, I was at home with the cats and dog. I watched some old Seinfeld episodes and laugh really hard. «Master of your domain» and «Goerge’s world collides» for those familiar with the show…OMG, a gem.
Laughter is the best therapy. If your a cat lover like I am please don’t hesitate and click this link. If you’re not a cat lover, don’t click cause it will make you hate them even more. I don’t want that!
A special friend sent it to me 2 days ago, and i can’t explain how much it amused me. Still does. Thanks, you know who you are :-)
“its their house,they just let me stay here….” That’s pretty much how it is, and mine has me really well trained
Thank you for the YouTube link. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Our cats have done all those things except intentionally turn off the TV :)
And your tasting note on the Darjeeling sounds interesting. I have added it to my shopping list – Thanks!
TeaExplorer, I know, right? I also thanked the person who sent it my way :-)
My cats have turn on/off/change the channel of the tv, more than once, stepping on the remote controL ACCIDENTALLY, I’m hoping, lol…(though after watching this, I’m not quite sure!!!)
This tea is good but can’t be compared to the complexity of the finest spring Darjeeling you’ll ever taste, but I just love how it suits me as a good morning companion:-)
Good Lord Almighty this is delicious!
I am So happy I made an order with this company!
Thick, rich, PEACHY – and not hard to find the peach notes at all!
An absolutely pristine cup of oolong that any oolong lover should get to try!
Not bad pricing at this site either!
This one is under the clearance section.
Full review will be on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 15th
ee that’s excited Azz, are you a sister now? :D I check that blog every day, how did I miss that haha
Indeed! My first post only went up last night at 6 EST – I will have that time slot every evening – hope you enjoy the reviews!! :)
Mercuryhime, this is the peachiest oolong (naturally flavored) that I have ever tasted and perhaps even more peachy than those with additives! :)
I can’t wait to order more of their teas as well. This was my first order with them – a trail run – so far I am SO pleased!
I’ve been spying on them for a while now since I’m obsessed with oolongs, but some other tea orders demanded attention first…dang it Verdant…
Well Verdant certainly is not a bad way to go :)
But yeah this is my new focus since I love oolongs also. At least now you know its worth getting a decent order from them. :)
:) I also ordered some dark roasted tieguanyin. I’ve not had a roasted oolong before as far as I know so that’ll be fun! :)
I am trying to recall what I have from them – I think three of their teas total maybe four. Honestly I have been stuck in this one position since I got home from the mall with my 17 year old daughter. I think I am going to die in this same place. I am EXHAUSTED – and not even tea can perk me up at this point. 6 hours at the mall is too much for me. lol
I don’t know if I have this one or not and my cupboard on here is by no means up to date.
Ohhh man…shopping IS exhausting! Luckily I don’t have a 17 year old daughter and can do my shopping from my computer instead! haha :P
yummy tea of the afternoon…
I started drawing some flowers and decided I would have this tea to accompany me, which is definitely one of my favorite rooibos tisanes.
I have a date this afternoon which I don’t really want to go on, however I think it would be good for me to get out and meet some new people so I’m going anyway. I hope I don’t die of boredom or bore the other person to death. ;-)
Nice! Way to beat me at getting back into the swing of things, my first post-breakup date is going to be Friday :D Glad to hear it was enjoyable!
Jabberwocky …
Any references to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking-Glass make me happy. Partly, the reason is I’ve learned some of my English in their company. Crazy, right? The riddles and the unintelligible language just had me fascinated. I had both the French and English versions and used to read both at the same time to understand. Well at least try to understand. This quote was tailor made for me:
“Speak in French when you can’t think of the English for a thing – turn your toes out when you walk – And remember who you are!”
How could I not fall in love with this magical world?
I find also that magic in the tea blends concocted by our Tea Whiz Of The Woods (aka Brenden of Whispering Pines) or better yet, tea hobbit Brendenol PinePeaker as MzPriss affectionately calls him.
I think his teas have put a spell on me, cause every time I am sent a new sample to evaluate, I keep thinking, how could it be better than the previous one? I mean, I can’t go higher than 100 on that rating scale anyways!
HoneyBelle (aka MzPriss) and I did our tastings simultaneously, like we always do.
First thing to notice is it has in its base two of my favourite black teas: Fujian Black and beloved Ailaoshan Black. At the first sip, I went, whoa!!! This is good.
But what’s that fresh menthol taste that feels like a light winter breeze?
I am told it comes from a high-mountain wild picked purple leaf tea. Same as in my “Gold” tea PORT!
The taste opens with subtle floral notes and quickly transforms into a honeyed creme caramel mouthfeel, I call that feeling “pudding mouth”. It’s thick and coats the entire mouth.
This tea is so smooth and sweet, it will take any steeping abuse. (I tested it!) There also a certain saltiness to be found, a bit like honey crackers if you’ve ever had one.
The smell is out of this world, fresh baked crusty bread.
But what really gets me to the core, is that complex morphing eucalyptus ending. It provides such a warming feeling…a great tea that opens your mind the way a good Sheng does.
Hard to explain how special this is…
If Alice was drinking this Jabberwocky, she’d say the same thing she said after reading the poem:
«Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don’t exactly know what they are! However, somebody killed something: that’s clear, at any rate.»
Well this tea fills my own head with beautiful things….Then who killed what you may ask?
This Jabberwocky… yes, this tea nearly killed me: that’s clear, at a hundred rate :-)
You two are too much. I love reading your WP reviews even if they make me want to buy lots more tea to try!
Happy to entertain Whatshesaid. Spending for this tea won’t hurt, I promise, I put a Fairy Seal of approval on it!
You and MzPriss are clearly influencing each other in the right way … or it could be the tea drunk! ;) Either way, your two reviews of this tea are the bear-st I have read in ages.
I was given a 5 minute break at work today, so I ran up to DT to try this tea! I had to!
It smells divine – reminds me of the other cake teas, but no stevia so it’ll have a different flavour.
As for flavour, my tea was steeped a little weak (not quite enough leaf in my to-go cup), but the flavour was nommy. Reminded me a lot of Birthday Cake, which is my favourite rooibos ever, but with more cakey, baked-good notes that I really enjoyed.
I will definitely get some to take home and steep my way (or the highway), then we’ll decide if I’ll get more. Until then – this sweet cup has made my evening :)
I have got to start trying some of these baked-goods teas. I expect the experience to be a bit strange, but man, they sound so good…
how lucky of you that you get to go to DT on your break. i would be broke if that was the case. i have seriously contemplated taking off of work to go on a special trip to DT…. one day i will :)
I’m dying to try this one! And I hate the fact that I don’t have a DT nearby :( Oh well, I have to get through a bit more of my stash before I can justify another order. :)
OK call me crazy – it’s ok, I don’t mind….
This is Neapolitan ice cream. When it’s melted and all the flavors are mixed in the bottom of your bowl – that’s what this is. It’s more Neapolitan than the big name one that’s out there. This is good – it’s really good. Chocolate, strawberry, creamy – awesome. Maybe a hint thin on the mouth feel, but I can over look that.
Thank you so much VariaTEA for sending this sample my way.
Yay! I am glad you liked it. I want so much for my cacao aversion to subside so I can have a tasty cup of this. It just smells soo awesome.
If it wasn’t so cold outside, I’d be temped to ice the rest of this sample – I think it would be amazing cold.
I need to look into doing that this summer – and this tea would be a good one to do it with – Moose Tracks would be another…hmmmm I see more HI orders in my future.
Abby Noelle here you go….lots of fun stuff on their site..
My tea shop also sells organic cocoa shells from Tisano and has a few blends besides bulk sales. One favorite is a chocolate puerh with several other natural ingredients. I keep the hulls at home yo mix in my own puerh blending.
That was great!
This was one I almost picked up on the most recent tea spree. I decided I had enough “breakfast blends”. I put myself on that particular shop’s list for when they get another shipment of Birthday tea in; now I think I’ll go ahead & grab this when they call me that Birthday is in.
Let me know how you find the Birthday tea ClassieLassie. Harney NZ will be importing it soon and I’ve been eying it curiously.