Popular Tasting Notes
I decided having only one oolong in my cupboard was a shame, so bought this because of its wonderful name!! I do enjoy a nice cup of oolong… I still think you have to drink at least a couple of cups of oolong to enjoy it as much as possible, very nice savoury tea
Received from a friend, unsure of the vendor, but in a silver package with a green border and the tea character on the front.
Large flat almost translucent leaves. Classic Tai Ping Hou Kui look.
One of the most unique looking teas I have brewed in my 100ml gaiwan. Enough leaves to cover the bottom and then some.
Flavors: Very light and sweet. Grassy with very mild vegetable notes. A long finish with a slight tart flavor. Very subtle tart flavor on the back end. There’s a mild woody note that is pleasant and the tea reminds me of green beans.
For someone who has never drank tea before this was a nice start, I had a sample in the store and was instantly hooked. I enjoyed it after dinner when I felt it was to late in the evening to have something else to eat but still felt I needed something. Can see this being a staple in my new tea cupboard from now on!
Flavors: Fruity