I’m not sure that I get why people recommend drinking pu’erh if you’re used to drinking coffee. The brew sure has a very nice dark colour, but I wish it was more full-bodied. I like this but I really have a hard time describing pu’erhs so I can’t say a lot about it. It smelt a bit fishy at first, but I rinsed it for 45 seconds before brewing it and it got rid of the fishiness. Then I steeped it for 2 minutes in a mug with an infuser.
I got a solid 3 infusions out of this and I’m sure I could get more. It was very good iced with a little bit of lemon and sugar.
Maybe it’s in my head but I’m starting to believe the chinese myths about medicinal properties of puerh. It really quenched my thirst and I felt refreshed after drinking several cups. I wasn’t as hungry as usual in the afternoon.