The steeping time makes all the difference! At the suggested four minutes, I hate this tea. It is very malty and has a floral finish. That’s just not what I want in my morning Earl Grey. Steep for three minutes and the balance shifts! The bergamot stays at the forefront with a malty undertone. The bergamot isn’t as bright (maybe acidic is a better word) as it is in Teavana’s Earl Grey, which is my gold standard. The citrus here is smoother and deeper. A three-minute strep also keeps the cornflower at bay. Three minutes took this from the donate pile back to the cabinet.
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Floral, Malt
205 °F / 96 °C
3 min, 0 sec
3 tsp
12 OZ / 354 ML