I’ve found this is my perfect ugh-I-have-to-work-early-Saturday breakfast tea. I make a cup to have at home plus enough to fill my travel mug. It helps me get myself together enough to get dressed and out the door and then once I’m here its sweet-bakey-buttery goodness consoles me while I mourn that I have to wake up on a Saturday to come sit in an office no one will call for the first three hours, anyway.
Last Saturday I left my travel mug full at home and it well ruined my morning. But the Bodum stainless steel travel press kept it hot enough on the counter for hours until the boyfriend woke up and enjoyed it on my behalf. He liked it. Review: “So pancakey.” Yep.
Anyway, I think my point in this note is that this should be permanent. it’s my favourite 52Teas tea.