I am further into this tin than I would like to acknowledge. But today I was running late for class for no particular reason. When I stepped outside, it was raining. In March. Yet again. On the still freshly-dyed red hair I’m trying desperately to protect. Well, it was just a light drizzle I thought, and no time to go back upstairs for an umbrella.
I did make it in time to get a seat but I also learned that “just a light drizzle” really accumulates during a twenty-minute walk. And that sitting through two hours of lecture is unpleasant when you’re soaked through and have to repeat the drizzly walk to get home.
So, when I returned this tea helped me avoid looking out the window for the rest of the day and pretend that the weather was just dandy. It’s well-named, as Fantasy Island really helps with escapism. I love how rich this one is; each time I drink it I decide that it tastes like a different delicious baked good. Today it was macaroons. The coconut is definitely the star here, but the raspberry really adds so much. It gives this tea a wonderful little tang that I think is what sets it apart so much from all the (many) other coconut teas I’ve tried.
I’ve read that a rinse of black tea or rooibos is good for red hair. I’ll try it with some cheap tea, but if I used this I would be so tempted to leave it on my head and smell incredible all day.