Oh, man. I was really hoping this would work for me this time. This is the third or fourth try. I used slightly more leaf but brewed it only for 2 minutes.
The fragrance once steeped just smells like the bergamot fragrance oils I put in soap, and it kind of tastes that way, too (I presume). For some reason this has an unpleasant chemical taste to me. It’s all I can taste, without any sense of cheesecake. Maybe a hint of a vanilla-type somethin’ every few sips.
This is not as strong this time around so it’s drinkable, but not good. I don’t get it. A good-quality Earl Grey is hard to beat for me. It’s always been my fave. Cheesecake doesn’t even need a mention. But, I haven’t been a fan of any of my 52 Teas teas and this is the most disappointing as it sounded so incredible. I don’t know how my tastebuds can be so different from everyone else’s!
And how did I manage to make this bitter? It’s still bitter with only a 2-minute steep!