Okay, I should have given this a shot earlier. It took me a long time to get around to it, as I “don’t like” Dragon Well. But this is really quite nice. It’s sweet, warm, nutty, and very smooth. Definitely the best Dragon Well I’ve tried, though my experience hasn’t been extensive since for some reason most turn me off. Thanks to Teavivre for the sample and opening me up to trying more Dragon Well!
We just got a second round of samples from TeaVivre and I believe this was in it…I’m excited for De to try it, maybe we’ll share a pot tonight!
funny how the same tea from different vendors can be so different!!
We just got a second round of samples from TeaVivre and I believe this was in it…I’m excited for De to try it, maybe we’ll share a pot tonight!
I need to finish trying and blogging my first box still. I should do that tonight, esp since I had a crap sencha earlier today.