I like this! Hooray! It’s actually the one I didn’t really want to like as it’s highly ridiculous. But it’s fruity, it’s creamy. It’s a nice-looking blend, too. It smelled like Swampwater to me, and tastes like a sweeter verison I think. In fact, it tastes rather sugary to me! So sugary that I decided to be a diabetes nerd and check a drop of it with a blood glucose test strip. I was kind of surprised that the result was 3.6 mmol/L though I didn’t know if I should be, so I tried to calculate it. I don’t know if the unit conversion works the same way, but if my calculations are right that translates to 65 mg/dl, so I think this 500 ml jumbo-mug equals an almost disappointingly undramatic .325 g of glucose plus, I guess, probably the same amount of fructose? This is all very highly unscientific and I don’t know what I am talking about, but it was interesting and makes me better trust that DT’s assertion “our teas have all tested below 1 g of sugar per cup of tea (according to our steeping instructions)” applies even to a tea with jelly beans in it!
Also, I wish I understood science/math/WHATEVER.
I actually thought that this tea would be interesting. I don’t know if you ever had those really awful plain-ish jellybeans people get on Easter, but hopefully this tea isn’t at all like that!
I actually thought that this tea would be interesting. I don’t know if you ever had those really awful plain-ish jellybeans people get on Easter, but hopefully this tea isn’t at all like that!
It’s been a while, but no I don’t think so! Just very sweet and fruity.
Okay now I have to try this one… the jelly beans kinda threw me off but now I’m intrigued! The sample I had in store was ok, maybe the at home version will be fruitier :)