Quite possibly my favorite flavored tea ever ever in the whole wide world. Get the loose kind, somehow the bags change everything and not for the better… It smells amazing. Unless you’re lucky enough to live in Seattle, I think you have to buy a lot of it at once— but don’t worry, you’ll drink it. Until then, you’ll notice your kitchen smells a little cinnamon-y. I like to be a little heavy-handed and shove a lot of leaves into the teal on this one, but don’t let it steep too long or it gets a little bitter. Not a lot— Note: my friends have argued that I’m wrong on that— but this is my review, so thought I’ mention it. The good news is you can use a single tea ball for about three cups, just steep a little longer each time. This tea is also great iced, and not bad with cinnamon vodka— put some simple syrup at the bottom, garnish with mint and apple slices.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange