Well im obviously in the experimenting mood lately. I tend to mix stuff together. This time it was mostly black loose and just a bit of black Irish whiskey. Just slightly bitter and light on the irish whiskey flavors. Good black combo came out of it…
About that yunnan i had this morning. I’m on my 3rd steep now and it still tastes pretty much same – which was very good….
You’re a braver soul than I. Someday I’ll have enough nerve to really start experimenting with mixing (at least that’s what I keep telling myself) ;)
well its just cuz i’m practical most of the time.
situation when i mix is typically like this: i got one tea that that i love (hence wanna make it last longer) and one that is lets say just OK to me (hence don’t mind using it faster or trying to make it better). the better one usually takes over the combo, sometimes i even get better taste than the better one (sometimes its yummier milder)…
some days again i just feel silly and then go for example soak popcorn’s in white tea – that happens rare and is pretty much unexplainable ;)
You’re a braver soul than I. Someday I’ll have enough nerve to really start experimenting with mixing (at least that’s what I keep telling myself) ;)
well its just cuz i’m practical most of the time.
situation when i mix is typically like this: i got one tea that that i love (hence wanna make it last longer) and one that is lets say just OK to me (hence don’t mind using it faster or trying to make it better). the better one usually takes over the combo, sometimes i even get better taste than the better one (sometimes its yummier milder)…
some days again i just feel silly and then go for example soak popcorn’s in white tea – that happens rare and is pretty much unexplainable ;)