this sample is most likely just plain ripe pu-erh (again not sure cuz the wrappings are in chinese. only thing i can read is 2007).
i tried breaking the little cake (idk how they call it) thing yesterday and i aired it out for one day. tea still has a strong smell. steeped it just like 15 seconds we shall see. the earthy taste will be there for sure. it probably shouldn’t be nor very bitter nor very sweet.
yep exactly as i assumed. comparing to the last 2 samples (chrysanthemum and globe-amaranth) its nor bitter nor sweet. just a strong earthy taste. maybe even little stronger than it was in the other two. it has just a pinch of bitterness in the end. its easier to drink than the other two. lol i’m on a roll. by the time i reach the 18th sample it might actually taste ok ;) slightly bigger score than the last one…
btw if you found a pu-ehr kind that you really like pls tell. i’d really like to try some quality stuff that i might like…