768 Tasting Notes
I received my package from David’s Tea today. I ordered Ginger Pear and Cold 911, and it wasn’t hard to decide which I would drink tonight. My cold has morphed into a sinus infection and I feel pretty miserable. The doctor prescribed Levequin (sp?) and I prescribed Cold 911. Even though I can’t smell it, the steam has enough menthol-like qualities to help open my sinuses. The taste ( to someone who has no sense of smell, and thus very little sense of taste) is a teeny bit menthol-y. I probably wouldn’t sip this tea for pleasure, but when I have a cold or my sinuses are completely swollen shut, this is the tea I want.
Ah, so nice to have a pot of this after a cup of something not so enjoyable. Yesterday I went to the doctor and got a kenalog shot. This drug shrinks the polyps in my nose. Soon I’ll be able to breathe through my nose, and maybe even smell things a little bit. I’m looking forward to smelling this tea. As I recall, it has a nice scent.
I know this is a seasona ltea, but i’m happy to drink it all year long. Except for those adodrable little candy canes, it;’s just a good, mellow peppermint black tea. Yummy!
Tried this one again this morning. Did the rinsing thing that someone suggested, and it helped enough for me to drink the full cup. Still don’t think I really liked it though. Maybe pu’erh teas just aren’t my thing? I still have a good 40 grams of this. Sigh.
Ack!!! I put this to steep and then my phone rang. 8 minutes later I remembered my tea. I was horrified! That beautiful tea, over-steeped and probably bitter! I tend to prefer weaker, milder tea because I can’t bear even a hint of bitterness, so I steep at the shorter end of the scale.
But no! The taste is stronger, but not bitter. Still enjoyable even at an 8 minute first steep. I think I enjoy this tea more with every cup.
This one sounded so good! Something refreshing to drink in the late afternoon or evening. However, I found it very sour. And there was a strange, metallic taste in my mouth after I finished. I didn’t care for it. Even if a friend served this I’d decline. :( Just not my cuppa.
Brewed a pot of this to start my morning. This used to be my #1 favorite black tea. I still like it. It’s smooth and mellow, but I wonder if I’m getting spoiled by the more expensive loose leaf teas? None the less, 20 bags for $4.00 is a darned good price for a good tea.
Brewed up a pot of this tonight to help me get through writing the big love scene. It was nummy as always, but the love scene still isn’t finished. Darn. Better try another pot of something else.