LOOOOOOVVE this dessert-y evening tea. It’s smooth. It’s mellow. It’s caffeine-free. And I swear the dry leaf smells like the chocolate/strawberry/vanilla of neapolitan ice cream. I barely have a sense of smell (which is a huge step up from the ZERO sense of smell I had before the aspirin desensitization at the Mayo Clinic) so if I can smell this, just imagine how lovely the scent would be for you!
As a side note, I haven’t had a 52Teas honeybush I didn’t like. Work today was a disaster. Really, a bad, bad day. First, I have an abscessed tooth. I’m scheduled for a root canal, but meanwhile I suffer. Second, my boss gave me a talking to. Not undeserved, but hard anyway. So I am so pleased I have lovely tea to come home to.
I am so stoked that I ordered this then! Because it certainly says a lot if you can already smell a lot of awesomeness in this.
I’m so sorry you had a bad day at work and I hope your root canal will come soon enough.