It’s a cold one today. It hasn’t been above 0 F since Tuesday around 1 am. Tomorrow it should get up to 4. Above! You know what that means? Yep, many, many cups of warm comforting tea!
This is the last of the teas from my recent 52Teas order (although I have a very generous free sample that I think I’ll try tomorrow.) The spices were cozy and warm, not in-your-face. You know how sometimes cinnamon can give you an odd feeling on your tongue, like it’s drying out? I don’t get anything like that here. The berry is slightly tangy, slightly sweet. I don’t care for bergamot, and I must not have red the description very well before ordering this, because it has bergamot. It’s not too strong, not enough to ruin the tea for me, although I think i would like it better with straight orange or lime. However, if you do like bergamot, that might be the bit that tips this tea into favorite territory. For me, this is a nice, sweet fruity/spice tea that is very warming on a cold day.
Flavors: Bergamot, Berry, Cinnamon
Cinnamon can make it or break it for me, but it really does depend on the kind of cinnamon. I am a bit wishy-washy with bergamot. I love the scent, but in tea, sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn’t. I am looking forward to seeing what 52Teas has done with this one.