Our cold snap is intensifying. Right now it is 0 degrees (-18 C) and the wind chill is -21 (-29 C). If there was ever the perfect weather to drink tea., this is surely it. Except maybe tomorrow, when it is expected to be a high of -8 with wind chills of – 35 to -45. I think I’ll just stay in this weekend and drink tea.
After a disappointing fruit infusion earlier, I decided to brew a cup of this one. The dry leaf smells amazing. Even I, with my very muted sense of smell, can smell the orange and the rum. Those scents are still present in the aroma of the brewing tea. It’s best to drink this one when it has cooled a bit. As it cools, the rich chocolate-y notes come through. A really delicious dessert tea for a cold evening.
Guess I won’t bellyache about my 29 degree damp chill :) Stay toasty!
Sometimes that damp cold is worse than what we have. The cold snap will break early tomorrow morning and by Tuesday we’ll be in the upper 20s. So just got to hold on another day or so.