I’ve tried this in the store a few times, it was interesting, it was combined with Samarai Mate which I did not want because I am not a morning tea drinker usually, and plus not much inclined to try out Mate yet anyways. (Excluding samples.) So I was thinking, I already knew that this was fairly peppery and many people commented on the ‘Red Hots’ flavor, so I felt that combining it with a fruit tea might balance it out a bit. So, still having a fair amount of Strawberry Paraiso I brewed 2 different cups of the teas, then with a 3rd cup and strainer, I poured some tea from each cup, put some Apriva in, tasted….MMMMmmmm. Tastes good. Then I started wondering if I had a tea that had a stronger strawberry base, and another with a straight chai base and combined them how would it taste? Next though I think I will try it with the Pinapple from Teavana. Anyone has any suggestions let me know.
I like this one with Maharaja Chai oolong, warm or iced with soy or almond milk and sweetener
I like this one with Maharaja Chai oolong, warm or iced with soy or almond milk and sweetener