I’m visiting Europe right now and spotted this everywhere in Paris so naturally had to try it out. I never liked the weird, corn syrup sweetened canned stuff with the Lipton label sold in the US but I had a hunch that the French version would be different. And boy not only was I right but this tea far exceeded all of my expectations.
Maybe it’s because I was parched on a hot summer day and needed something to wash down the huge street crepe I just had, but this little can really hit the spot. In fact, it may just be the most amazing peach flavored drink I’ve ever had. It tastes like biting into a ripe, juicy summer peach. The flavor is natural and sweetness is just right. The peachiness stands out more than the black tea base which seems to be a subtle accent. Then again, with this being Lipton maybe that’s a good thing.
Super refreshing and you can bet I’ll be picking up more while I’m in France.
Flavors: Peach
I hope Europe is awesome for you!
Thanks, now if only I can beat this jet lag somehow..