Not Recommended
Smells nice and orange-y with a hint of chocolate. The smell is super promising, but the taste doesn’t meet expectations.
Steeped 3.5 minutes (recommended steep time is 2-3 minutes). I was worried that I made it too strong (I really don’t like strong teas) so I diluted it with some more water and hoped for the best that it hadn’t turned bitter. It tasted like wood, maybe a campfire? A bit smokey? I asked my husband to try it as well – he brewed it for a shorter time period and had the same conclusion r/t the taste. Tasted 12-2018.
Flavors: Campfire, Chocolate, Musty, Orange, Smoke, Wood
190 °F / 87 °C
3 min, 30 sec
2 tsp
9 OZ / 266 ML