I love my new Takeya Iced Tea Pitcher (bought from David’s Tea b/c it was cheaper than Amazon!) I mean, this is rooibos. Notorious for escaping all infusers. And yet, I cold brewed in the Takeya, hoping for the best… BAM! Checked it out this morning and it was perfect! No little particles had made it past the mesh infuser. All was good in the world.
Sadly… I wasn’t able to let this steep as long as I should have. Because of my schedule, I could have either let it steep for 7-8 hours or for 34. I find that rooibos gets syrupy-sweet when oversteeped, so I took it out after about 8 hours. It’s weak. Not a whole lot of flavor in this pitcher.
However, a few months ago, I cold brewed some of this (in a mason jar – this was before the Takeya) and let it steep for just over 12 hours. It was awesome.
So this failure was on me; not the tea. And certainly not the Takeya.