It’s taken me a while to review this tea, because I have such mixed feelings about it.
First of all, I hate the smell of this tea. I don’t really get the “paint” smell that others have noted, but I find it overly perfume-y, as if it was actually fragranced more than flavored.
The first couple of times I tried this tea, I had it as I drink all my teas – black, without any sweeteners or milk. I found it tasted much like it smelled: very artificial and almost kind of flowery. Didn’t really pick up anything that tasted carrot-cakey.
Then I decided to try it with a little bit of the half-and-half we have in the office. Suddenly, it’s an entirely different tea. Still has that awful smell, but the taste now resembles a very mild spice cake. Something about the cream brings out the “cakeiness” of the tea. I wouldn’t quite call it carrot cake, but there’s a sort of nutty, cake batter taste to it with the cream.
Overall, I’ll finish off what I have left of it, but I won’t be buying it again.