This is a pretty awesome shou. A medium-dark amber color with a sweet earthy taste. I guess the word is “meaty” even if that doesn’t make much sense to anyone else :P I enjoyed multiple steeps of this tea. I noticed a distinct difference between this and the other grade that I tried (either fifth or seventh, I can’t remember). This is more clean and pure tasting to me – definitely enjoyable and would have again.
Flavors: Earth
Always, most puerh is multi-faceted and hard to nail down a particular note sometimes. I get the salty/brothy sometimes with sheng.
I get “meaty” and “brothy” sometimes.
I’m glad it made sense to someone :)
Always, most puerh is multi-faceted and hard to nail down a particular note sometimes. I get the salty/brothy sometimes with sheng.
The fifth grade is much bolder than this one is. They are fun to try side by side.
I actually had seventh – I looked back in my notes. I preferred the first grade though!
we all have our unique preferences:) glad you enjoyed the tea kieblera5 and thanks for the reviews!
for a pretty awesome Shou a 77 seems low?