Smells lovely…very cinnamon with fruity whispers and a touch of nuttiness.
I heaped more in and steeped longer I need full flavor with the fruity ones:)
Once steeped smells the same..all the notes much stronger now.
It’s a lovely rich crimson color which I adore.
Well it’s a tarty tart tart.
The cinnamon is awesome.
I like this tea..but I doubt I would buy more I got it in an 85 gram special edition tin..and I’m not totally convinced I’ll get a yen to finish it..but maybe it’ll grow on me .
It’s yummy,tarty and a punch of cinnamon but I’m still unsure..I believe it to be quite nice…maybe in the winter it will be the right drink on a cold night..I wanted this to be like “mulled wine” that DT did for a short time for a lark and never brought back..I’d prefer that mulled wine…PLEASE bring it back!
I’M WILLING TO SWAP THE REST IN IT’S LOVELY TIN..if anyone’s interested give me a shout!