So I forgot I had most of the tea left over from my Tea Forte’s Herbal Retreat sampler.
I absolutely love the idea of herbal blends reinterpreted as celebrated alcoholic mixes it’s a new idea.Let’s sex up some more tea!!
Smells like Apricot mostly which is nice.
It’s an okay taste doesn’t blow my mind as much as I wanted it to.
Not bad but not particularly excellent either.
NEWS AT 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So BEST news ever found out ONE one second ago..the mall about a block from my house is getting it’s very own DAVIDsTEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I’m going to apply since it’s like I work at a DT already with all my stock..wish me luck!!!!
Maybe it’s a sign that the future will start looking up I sure hope so!