I used 1 tsp per 8oz, (hot) b/c I can’t figure out how many grams.
Smells: Definitely caramel, almost burnt/smoky, probably from the black tea. The scent is even warmer and sweeter as it is steeped.
Taste: Since it’s a black tea, I wasn’t expecting anything really sweet (although I was hoping for a slightly sweet dessert type. It’s a very interesting case with this one; milk didn’t make much of a difference. First thing I can taste is the full black tea, with hint a caramel. Not very sweet, but nothing sweetener can’t fix, if you’re fond of adding. The aftertaste is really something; first I taste the black tea, but it slowly melts away into a pleasant, malty caramel flavor that lingers. I’ve never had anything like it before.
I might buy this again, but I’m really interested in sampling different types of dessert teas and such. I also might steep longer, but I’m afraid of it getting too bitter.