Based on previous ratings I’ve read, I steep this at a pretty low temp. The water is slightly warmer than lukewarm, maybe between 140-160 F. I also don’t steep for long, and I find this to be the most satisfying. With too high of a temperature, the tea tastes like traditional genmaicha, and the buttery marshmallow tones are lost. It smells a lot like popped rice treats too. I don’t care too add much sugar, and cream and milk seem to mellow the flavor too much. The first cup is best, though the second is often great too. It tastes very buttery, and subtly sweet. I like to use more tea per cup b/c there are so many different pieces of…stuff… in this blend. It’s my favorite blend from 52teas thus far (I’ve tried this, pancake breakfast, and strawberry pie honeybush).
Flavors: Butter