15 Tasting Notes
This is a very nice and “proper” Jinggu tea, I presume it is made from wilder and/or older trees. Clean taste, pleasant, silky bitterness and, considering it is Jinggu, very above-average amount of character.
This is a great tea. However, it was bought in limited quantity and it is difficult to obtain exactly the same cakes (stored in the same way). Nevertheless, it shows that Jinuoshan factory is very potent and You Le 2004 is often great (be especially careful with autumn harvests though).
I am interested how exactly I can recognize the autumn version? Does the wrapper differ or you just need to trust the vendor’s information? It seems that sometimes the vendor gives confusing information too, e.g. YS declares this tea as both, entirely Fall 2004 harvest (in the first sentence) as well as Early Spring harvest (as one of the special attributes). In this case I consider it a mistake but I can’t be sure which one it is. Are the wrappers the same?
I mean this particular description: http://www.yunnansourcing.com/store/product.php?id_product=478
Hi Esteban,
I don’t think that the wrapper is different any way. I have been given to understand that Jinuo factory is not of the orderliest in these things.
The Yunnan Sourcing 2004 cake was spring material – but now it says "This product is no longer in stock with those attributes but is available with others
" – I’m not sure what it means.
However, if you are looking for a tea of similar character as the 2004 cake, try 2005 Jinuo Red Drum – Scott still haves it for $32 which is, I think, a very nice price.
It’s an interesting tea. I believe that shu lovers will like it mostly. I’m not one of them, therefore this tea is interesting rather than perfect for me.