Hmm. My sister gave me this tea for my birthday. It smells divine, but I was weary of all the ‘stuff’ mixed in. It brews up pink and fruity. Is there really green tea in here? And what is bamboo supposed to taste like anyway? I was a little disappointed at the lack of cherry blossom flavor. It just tastes fruity with a werid potpourri smell once it’s brewed. And by now you probably know how I feel about hibiscus. :/
That said, it isn’t bad. It’s just too fussy for me. Maybe next time I’ll fuss with it a little more and try it iced, and I’ll maybe add some sugar or lemonade ala Starbucks. This is a good one to pull out for serving friends who aren’t ‘serious’ tea drinkers. I think it’s one most people will generally like.