Heaven. Heaven in a cup, seriously. I need to get more of this, if there is any left.
It’s different today, fresher tasting, but then I think the shorter steep time made a difference. (two min)
This is one of those teas, like that thread mentioned, that is going to haunt me til I get more. I could mainline this stuff.
Edit: forgot about the second steep! first one is A+, and the second one… D+!
It’s… milky and has a soft mushroom taste. I once loved mushrooms but seem to have lost my taste for them. So… I am lowering the rating. Will see what a third steep brings :)
Edit again: third steep is a bit better. I added 1/4tsp sugar and it’s now a sweet cloudy tasting (clear liquid!) tea. The essence of mushrooms is hanging in the background though it is overshadowed by the sweet breadiness I’ve come to love in pu-erhs. Also, I am loving this much more when cooled. Bumping rating back up, slightly.
Fourth Steep: Sweet and clay like. Some bread notes, but mostly clay. Or was this the fifth steep? I lost track!


OK, WHY?! What does it tast like…not just feel…you have me wondering while you’re wandering!


We’ll just package some up and send it to you Bonnie, so you can experience it yourself lol. I’m pretty sure this is one of the local tea shops Inidigo frequents :)


I wonder if this is that really interesting tea called, Yue Guan Bai(Moon Light White). It mainly comes from the region it mentions and looks just like that one from another site. What they are not telling you is that supposedly when this tea is dried, instead of drying in the sun it drys when the moon is out; though it is mostly just done in complete darkness or at night time. So it sorta oxidizes it from the inside-out then vice versa.

Here is the link:


Bonnie, see my first note :)
Sil, yep I picked it up on our tea date!


Ze_Teamaker, could be! but the guy I bought it from, he sources it himself from the farmer so it might just be a similar tea if not the same. Also, it steeps up a mild hay colour and isn’t dark or red.


That’s true, I didn’t think about that….


If I remember next time I see him, I’ll ask! :)


That would be Grrrreat! (channeling Tony the Tiger!)!


sounds great!

Mark B

I’ve not had much luck with Pu’erh tea, but this one looks fascinating.


LOL Bonnie, I love Tony! :P
Amy: It IS! Hopefully I can get my hands on more next season.
Mark B, what do you dislike about them?

Mark B

I just find them kinda earthy and flat, but then again I don’t have much experience with them. I’ve been trying to open my eyes up a bit by ordering a few samples. From the description I thought I’d enjoy Verdant’s Xingyang Golden Leaf 98 Shu Pu’er, but didn’t find it very satisfying. I have another from Teavivre called Fengqing Raw Pu’er from 2006, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


hmmm I think you might like some of the menthol-ish pu-erhs then. I haven’t got any of those on hand but I’ll keep my eye out for you! :)

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OK, WHY?! What does it tast like…not just feel…you have me wondering while you’re wandering!


We’ll just package some up and send it to you Bonnie, so you can experience it yourself lol. I’m pretty sure this is one of the local tea shops Inidigo frequents :)


I wonder if this is that really interesting tea called, Yue Guan Bai(Moon Light White). It mainly comes from the region it mentions and looks just like that one from another site. What they are not telling you is that supposedly when this tea is dried, instead of drying in the sun it drys when the moon is out; though it is mostly just done in complete darkness or at night time. So it sorta oxidizes it from the inside-out then vice versa.

Here is the link:


Bonnie, see my first note :)
Sil, yep I picked it up on our tea date!


Ze_Teamaker, could be! but the guy I bought it from, he sources it himself from the farmer so it might just be a similar tea if not the same. Also, it steeps up a mild hay colour and isn’t dark or red.


That’s true, I didn’t think about that….


If I remember next time I see him, I’ll ask! :)


That would be Grrrreat! (channeling Tony the Tiger!)!


sounds great!

Mark B

I’ve not had much luck with Pu’erh tea, but this one looks fascinating.


LOL Bonnie, I love Tony! :P
Amy: It IS! Hopefully I can get my hands on more next season.
Mark B, what do you dislike about them?

Mark B

I just find them kinda earthy and flat, but then again I don’t have much experience with them. I’ve been trying to open my eyes up a bit by ordering a few samples. From the description I thought I’d enjoy Verdant’s Xingyang Golden Leaf 98 Shu Pu’er, but didn’t find it very satisfying. I have another from Teavivre called Fengqing Raw Pu’er from 2006, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


hmmm I think you might like some of the menthol-ish pu-erhs then. I haven’t got any of those on hand but I’ll keep my eye out for you! :)

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