Welps, I was right. This… is not a tea I can handle. Looking at the description, my instincts told me so and after brewing up a cuppa… I had a few sips but poured the rest down the drain. Something about the chicory root? makes my mouth go a bit numb. Coffee does the same, and I know they share many similarities. Bah. What I did get out of it, besides the nauseating effect, was really quite nice. Shame, I was so hoping to be wrong here!
Anyhow, I’m done whining, for now. This was my first sample from the traveling tea box! Hopefully my next one will be better.
And now.. I am off to bed. I know I have a bunch of unanswered emails but it has been a looooong day/week for me and I need my zzzzs.
(I’m now an official board member of my university alumni assoc. volunteer, but I’m mighty excited! sorry, I say things like mighty and golly gee when I’m zombified. ha.)
Hum…chicory is loosely related to endive but the root is used in the production of sucrose and substances to help fend off parasites and worms. It’s good for you. May help humans with weight loss. Oh well, of course it’s good for you, if it was bad for you, you’d love it. Poor dear!
Heather- yup! sounded amazing to me to! :P
Bonnie- I have a few working theories about this. Potatoes seem to have no effect on me so it might not be nightshades. So I am looking at solanine or salicylate concentration. Ah well. What can ya do!
TerriHarpLady: hehe mucho thanks!!
DanielScott: I know right?! can’t have em all I guess
Azzrian: thanks!! I’m still bouncing :)
LiberTeas: I LOVE HP!!!! the butterbeer at Universal Studios was amazing though
OMG, Butterbeer? Like in Harry Potter Butterbeer?
Hum…chicory is loosely related to endive but the root is used in the production of sucrose and substances to help fend off parasites and worms. It’s good for you. May help humans with weight loss. Oh well, of course it’s good for you, if it was bad for you, you’d love it. Poor dear!
Congrats, Indigo, on your board member appointment!
Wow. What a shame. :(
@Heather Martin: Yep … like Harry Potter’s Butterbeer. :)
Heather- yup! sounded amazing to me to! :P
Bonnie- I have a few working theories about this. Potatoes seem to have no effect on me so it might not be nightshades. So I am looking at solanine or salicylate concentration. Ah well. What can ya do!
TerriHarpLady: hehe mucho thanks!!
DanielScott: I know right?! can’t have em all I guess
Azzrian: thanks!! I’m still bouncing :)
LiberTeas: I LOVE HP!!!! the butterbeer at Universal Studios was amazing though
man I’m in a huge harry potter mood, I really want to try this.
I love HP too, and I had soooo much Butterbeer at WWoHP at Universal. Mmmmmm!
Wow how did I miss these notes.
Thanks Nina!!
CupofTree if you ever get a chance, I’d recommend it! if you don’t have a hate affair with chicory haha
Heather: Ah I wish they sold the carbonated version in Canada!