This is one sweet tea, and it’s full-bodied and complex. I found myself taking my time drinking it because of the building sweetness and thickness that stays in the mouth in the way that bitterness builds in the mouth when drinking successive cups of sheng puerh. The lack of pile fermentation in this relatively new production is such that the tea might be described as semi-dry or something. It definitely reminded me of a nice, tippy, sweet, and chocolatey Yunnan gold bud black tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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Eau Claire, WI native and current UW student living in Madison. My hometown had a tea shop that got me into tea before I went off to college to learn from talking to experts in Nashville and Madison, particularly the owner of Macha Tea Company. My tastes change with the seasons, but I love sheng and shou pu-erh, rock oolongs, Taiwanese oolongs, Yunnan blacks, and Japanese greens.

My love of tea is balanced by my love of good coffee (I have lists of the best coffee shops for Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, and Chicago) and my love of chemistry and environmental sciences, my fields of study in college.


Helena, MT

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