This is gorgeous in appearance, dry, and fruity-rich in aroma. I’m still functioning with half a mouth and holding my head funny not to swallow on the sore side, but this is a really sweet, fruity-fragrant oolong. Looking forward to giving it better attention, because I like it!
You can chew up a Bismuth tablet and spit it out or just swish with Pepto Bismol to ease the pain a bit. The only thing is…it can give you a black tongue if you do it a lot or for a long time, but it is harmless, just unsightly if you stick your tongue out! I used to get canker sores but really don’t anymore.
lol I’ve done this before. its funny what we do to still drink tea
You can chew up a Bismuth tablet and spit it out or just swish with Pepto Bismol to ease the pain a bit. The only thing is…it can give you a black tongue if you do it a lot or for a long time, but it is harmless, just unsightly if you stick your tongue out! I used to get canker sores but really don’t anymore.