Day 22 DavidsTea 24 Days of Tea advent calendar — Candy Cane Crush. What a fun tea! Looks cute in the steeping basket, though it brews up a bit muddy looking. With a dash of milk, it’s a fine, fun holiday/winter beverage. I’m not into actual candy canes, though I recall liking them a lot as a child. This tea calls to mind that nostalgic vibe from the candy while not being actual candy. The super strong mint keeps the sweetness in check and the chocolate gives it a grounded base, so it all just works. It’s got a bit of creaminess, but I found it did need milk to give it the more satisfying heft it seemed to want.
Just picked some of this up during the annual post-Christmas sale. Not sure if I’d buy it at full retail price, as I tend not to reach for heavily flavoured teas very often, but at 40% off, it’s a winner!
Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Peppermint, Smooth, Sweet