Generally I love Irish Breakfast. It’s a great way to wake yourself up. This blend just did’nt have the kick-in-the-pants, wake up and get yourself out the door effect for me.
I did however buy a whole pound, so from time to time I blend it with whatever I have left over of my black teas. You know when you have a bit left over and not enough to make a full pot. It seems to perk it up a bit.

But on the other hand, if you are new to tea, and not sure if you like a kick-in-your-pants type of morning tea? This would be a great one to start out with.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Tea has always been my favorite drink. I love to brew with loose leaf. This lead to me sharing my love through a web site on loose leaf tea





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