I’m not actually a fan of herbal blends, but I like the world created by C.S. Lewis and I love Turkish delight sweets, so i decided to give it a go.
The aroma coming from the opened zip-bag is terrific, because the tea definitely does smell like rose-scented Turkish delights with chocolate added.
However, after brewing it is not as tempting. It is seems very floral, rosy, with only a bit of cocoa. Too much like perfume and soap.
Fortunately the taste is better. The blend really tastes like Turkish delights in a liquid form, a bit sweet, rich, not too rosy, with slight citrusy notes in the background.
All in all, I like this tea and I don’t regret buying it. But one sample zip-bag seems enough, I’m not planning to repeat it.
Flavors: Chocolate, Citrus, Cocoa, Floral, Rose, Rosehips