64 Tasting Notes
The other night I was out for pizza and ordered an iced tea, which ended up being so weak and watered-down that I couldn’t taste much tea at all. Clearly they know not how to brew tea. The waiter claimed that the sweet tea was better, but it was just as weak. By the time I got home I still needed tea, so I figured I’d go for the most assertive tea in my cupboard. It was a gazillion percent improvement over the water I had with dinner. Stout, malty goodness.
I found a single box of this on clearance at the grocery store the other day and decided to chance it because it sounded fun and was half-price.
I’m rather liking it. It isn’t something I’d want all the time, though. I’m usually a bit leery of chocolate beverages that aren’t hot chocolate, because they usually just taste like watery fake chocolate. This tea seems to be a step up from that. I like that when I sip it, the cocoa bursts out first, and then as the sip lingers, the chili jumps into the picture later, and then fades to a light tingle for a few seconds.
It kind of reminds me of a mocha chai, but without all the heavy spices. I’m not a big fan of spiced teas, because a little spice goes such a long way, and most of the time chai is just spice overload to me, especially with the cardamom. This is better, because there is less spice. You get the little kick, but it isn’t cloying.
This morning’s pick is a golden monkey tea from the local tea store in our mall. I might have to ask next time I go in there which company’s tea this is, so I can better log it. I get a bit of a caramel note that fades into just a nicely balanced, smooth tea. It’s a really nice way to start the day.
My friend (who obviously has exquisite taste and is generous at gifting quality stuff) picked this tea out for me when she found the new store in the first place, and when I first went back, I immediately bought more.
This is a staple for me. It’s my favorite peach-flavored tea by far, and one that I always have on hand. If I stand in front of all my teas debating what kind to have and getting nowhere, this is what I usually settle on.
I tried this one night last week. It’s very refreshing , with a fresh lime flavor that isn’t overly tart. It reminds me of something specific that I can’t quite place, which gives me the perfect excuse to have another mugful trying to chase it down! :)