I forgot to log this for some reason, but just as well, since my opinion has changed. Most reviewers have found it superb, but initially for me, brewed Western style, it was not a favorite, not that it is not a quality tea-I was comparing it to Golden Fleece, which I adore, and decided Laoshan black was a little too strong for my tastes. Today, I am drinking it Gongfu style for the second time with 5gm/4-5 oz boiling water, and very short steeps as instructed on the package. Gongfu style has made all the difference. I have been enjoying cup after cup (Verdant says you can get 15 steepings this way). I have discovered it is really worth trying both styles of brewing. When I don’t have time to linger with multiple steepings, it is nice to be able to brew Western, but when I have time, I’ve had some great experiences with traditional Chinese brewing, that is lots of leaf and short steeps. So yes, I like this tea! Would I re-order? Yes. And by the way, it is very nice brewed double strength with ice added. I’m curious about the Laoshan Village Chai-it is next on my list to order.
Very smart. I have learned to give tea the benefit of the doubt and try it many ways. More often than not, there is a platform that is best and I have to find it. You did a great job.
Very smart. I have learned to give tea the benefit of the doubt and try it many ways. More often than not, there is a platform that is best and I have to find it. You did a great job.
Yes Bonnie, and I’m especially motivated to do that when I see that a tea is receiving so many favorable comments. I also like to read tips from people if they have found a particular way that works best.