Split a Vital Tea Leaf order, anyone?
They have a sale through 12/31
Select teas 15% off
10% off over $25
20% off over $50
Free shipping over $50 (after discounts)
They have some really excellent teas but all of their amounts are 4 oz. or more, which is more tea than I need right now. :) I also have not ordered from them online but in the shop they were super nice.
If we could get enough of an order to hit the free shipping and split some packages, that would work out well. My mom is wanting some of their Blue People oolong and would share up to 1 ounce of it. Also Pineapple Green, Coconut Red and Jasmine Pearls. I have only had their jasmine pearls – which were fantastic. I’m also trying to talk myself out of a Dragon Gift Box. :)
It’s odd – they have an entire wall full of tea but their website seems to be very limited right now. They had a Siberian Rose tea that was nothing but rose buds. It was gorgeous. I wouldn’t drink it every day, but as a special occasion type of tea I’d love to have some on hand. Their old site had a lot more tea listed. Hopefully their site will expand. I wonder if one were to call about it… But the special says online orders, so maybe that would nullify the discounts… We could wait to order until the last couple days of the sale – maybe they’ll have more up by then.
With what Mom & I alone are thinking of, we’d easily hit the free shipping if anyone wanted the same and would like to share.
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