Question about promotions

I’m just curious, with all this discussion about Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals… what sorts of promotions do you guys get most excited about? I mean, in general, what have been some of the most fun promotions you have been a part of?

9 Replies
Dexter said

I don’t like the fancy, complicated, lots of different offers sales. I don’t want to buy oolong on Friday, Black on Saturday, etc – it makes shipping complicated (being in Canada you pay more for shipping than you save in the sale).
I just want plain, simple percentage off store wide. Let me buy everything I want on sale. Obviously the higher the percentage the more excited I get. (Free or reduced shipping is also really nice for us international buyers).

Anlina said

Yes this, exactly.

Lindsay said

Yep. And if American buyers are getting free shipping, I figure it’s only polite to at least give the international buyers a discount on shipping, rather than make us pay full price.

Inkling said

Totally agreed! Although honestly, I probably will jump through the required hoops to get a really good deal.

Uniquity said

Ditto. Different products on sale on different days usually results in me not shopping at all. I only make a few online orders a year, and I always try to do what I can to negate the cost of shipping. (Canadian here).

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cookies said

Percentage off or free shipping are the only things that get me. I personally don’t care for freebies or anything of that sort.

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Also not excited by bells and whistles. And especially nothing with complicated rules and provisions. If it takes me more than thirty seconds even to figure out what the promotion is supposed to be—or what I have to do to qualify—I’m already gone…

Think of it this way: my time is quite valuable. Expending it to do complicated hermeneutic exegesis on a promotion text cancels out whatever benefit I might have gained through participation.

(I leave the provision of relevant examples as an exercise for the reader…)

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Jillian said

Usually I like percentages off of a purchase or a free item (depending on the item) included. Free shipping offers usually don’t apply to me here in Canada so they’re pretty much useless (I’m looking at you Adagio and Harney & Sons).

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Free shipping

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