Secret Santa Interest? SIGN UPS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would anyone here be interested in doing a Secret Santa for christmas? It would be 1 to 2 ounces of tea with a minimum/maximum dollar amount. I would take the next two weeks to take interest and suggestions on the amount of tea and money and then if I see enough people are interested I would take sign ups until the end of November where you would message me your information which I would then forward your information to your secret santa by the 1st of December to give everyone enough time to get it and ship it. Let’s see if this garners enough interest where we can go through with it.
Sign ups are open as of this point. Sign ups are NOT limited to USA. Sign ups will run from now until Monday 24th 11:59 PM CT Zone. That way I will have tuesday and wednesday to get out the secret santas to everyone before black friday as per requested from a lot of folks.
So on to the guideline:
1. This Secret Santa will be for tea AND/OR teaware.
2. There is a 15 dollar maximum. Now if you are feeling very generous and want to do more than that, that is totally up to you.
3. There is a 10 dollar minimum. This is to ensure nobody gets screwed over.
4. Please do not sign up if you do not have every intention to follow through. I Do not want good ol’ people out there to get screwed over.
5. Tea and teaware can be from any company you would like. Local, chain, online, etc.
If you sign up I will need from you, in a Private Message, the following:
1. All your Shipping information. Name And address.
2. Your likes and dislikes on teas AND/OR tea stores to be forwarded to your secret santa.
3. Let me know If you would be willing to ship outside of the USA.
Last but not least, Let’s get everything shipped out in time so all people here get there gifts before christmas. Let’s say by the 15th of December. Once you ship out your gift, make sure you let the person know who it is coming from. That way they know who to thank. Thank you. Once again, please only sign up if you intend on following through. Thank you and let’s start signing up!
I would be interested but only if tea from my local store would qualify. If I have to put in a special order on the internet to get tea for the person it would be a pain.
That would be totally fine. Any tea, from anywhere. As long as it falls under the amount of tea and the amount of money we all decide on here. Keep it simple. Maybe, just maybe, if too many people have complaints of one store or don’t like it at all, maybe we can do ONE store or ONE tea you absolutely don’t want and that would be forwarded to your secret santa.
I was thinking of a tea from Clipper Ship Tea Company, an excellent local Long Island store, not Teavana.
You get to choose from where. It’s nice you have a local tea shop, but there’s people out there that all they have is teavana. Or a Davids tea. Either way, your choice.
I would be more interested without the 2 oz limit. Secret Pumpkin went well without parameters.
I think it better to limit a dollar amount, not a tea amount. I can get a 30cup package of tea from my local store for under $15 anyway, that would be reasonable.
Ok, see, there we go. That’s why I would like to take these next couple of weeks for suggestions. I would take everyones opinions and suggestions and set the guidelines on the 16th of november and the sign up until the end of November. So no tea weight limit is a suggestion. No maximum or no minimum or both? Or maybe just a minimum/maximum dollar amount. That amount would not include the shipping obviously.
Actually, I was a little upset with Secret Pumpkin as I got much more tea than I sent.
I’d prefer a clear maximum limit in dollar or weight.
I’m sorry to hear that Darby, it really sucks that somebody out there ruined it for you.
For the record; it’s not that I didn’t send Darby’s Pumpkin package – but it got lost crossing the border. If it doesn’t turn up by the end of the week, I’ve offered to send another.
I’m interested.
Parameters are good. You’ll always have people who go crazy though. ;)
I prefer a suggested dollar range. I also like how the Secret Pumpkin worked with suggestions on the recipient’s likes and dislikes.
Sure, I would like to play. I think some suggestions for minimum is great, but if people are feeling generous. Why not let them spoil their secret pal? As long as everyone sends the minimum, they don’t need to feel bad about not sending as much as someone else. It is the season for giving, so let people give whatever their heart tells them to as long as they are not going below the minimum,
That’s what I thought too, but looks like others don’t like the idea. maybe since they alread might have too much stuff.
I don’t really feel like doing a swap, but sign me up for angel duty.
Speaking of, Darby, drop me a pm – I’d be happy to angel for you and anyone else who didn’t get their secret pumpkin.
Well technically, you aren’t really swapping. That person you would send out to wouldn’t be the same person sending you something back. It would be someone completely different. You wouldn’t know who until you received it.
If we were to do a dollar amount instead of weight, we can maybe add tea ware to the mix. I know of some great little teapots and tea cups for around 10-15 dollar range. Just an idea.
I’m interested, but would like to see the parameters before I fully commit.
In the Secret Pumpkin, I think everyone, or most, got their packages from the same person they sent to.
That’s not much of a secret now is it? I’ll put up all the parameters on the 15th or 16th and start taking sign ups.
I would be interested, too! Perhaps those who sign up from Canada can have a Canadian secret santa and U.S. participants can have U.S. secret santas? That might help with the packages being delivered more easily/around the same time, especially considering the slowing that comes with Christmas mail. I also vote for a dollar amount and personally like the idea of getting my package from someone other than the person I sent to because it means I get to make two connections :)
Correct! Two connections. And hopefully we get enough people from Canada to make it just how you said.
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