print up little cards about the teas?
I don’t have any ideas, but what a great idea!
Bravo! I am amazed again and again how young people are actively involved in tea movement! :D
Maybe a list of Tea Myths Debunked so people learn to love tea for the right reasons.
That’s an awesome idea. I wish you the best with this!
I would suggest getting a small pitcher or what some call a “fairness” cup… preferably one that will hold about the same volume of tea or more than your gaiwan. Tea is poured from the gaiwan into the pitcher and then poured into the tasting cups so everyone receives a “fair” share of the flavors of the tea. What I mean is that in a gaiwan, or teapot, the liquor will have a slightly different flavor depending on if you receive tea that was on the top of the teapot or on the bottom. Once the tea is poured into a fairness cup, then the flavors are evenly distributed.
For example, here is a cute one from the Red Blossom Tea Company –
As far as getting others hyped, just tell them the reasons why YOU love tea and why you think they will love it, too.
To appeal to a larger group, you may want to include dessert teas.
I don’t know if I agree w/ “to appeal to a larger group”, but yes!:) And maybe dessert teas that aren’t black based. I was shocked when I found Adagio’s cocomint green and green chai. Caramel and vanilla green teas are good too.
Here are a few ideas:
Try to introduce a wide array of teas over time, maybe asking everyone to bring one of their favorites to share for the next time.
If you’ll have a lot of people that are new to tea, you could check out a few books from the library about tea and its history and have those laying around for people to flip through.
When you first start drinking tea, the hardest thing to learn is how to verbalize what you smell and taste in the tea. (I’m still learning.) You could write up a bunch of descriptive words on index cards and ask your guests to describe the tea by putting together the cards, sort of like “refrigerator poetry” magnets.
Finally, maybe set the scene with some special music? Make this fun and special.
I love your 1st idea Paul. Watching a person prepare tea as well as be able to smell and look at the raw leaf is important.
RE: your 3rd suggestion… I’m still horrible at that:)
What about recipes involving tea as an ingredient?
Tea specific culture:
Chinese Pu Erh, Indian (and even African) Chai, English tea, Chinese tea ceremony, Japanese Tea Ceremony.
Yes Cofftea had a good point about flavored green tea .. Green tea is associated w health benefits and offering something fun like caramel green sounds positive.
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