I’ve learned a lot from the following books. Both have a lot of material about how tea is produced, and discuss a number of varieties of tea.
Tea: History, terroirs, Varieties (oriented more toward geography, but has an interesting section on the chemistry of tea)
The tea drinker’s handbook (really nice section on how to prepare and taste tea).
I thought the Harney book was also great for a beginner.
I scour every book, website, and blog I can find relating to the subject of tea :) I agree with Dr Jim, those books are awesome and some of my favorites.
I have a list of websites that have really useful info that I periodically update (it is about time for a new update!) https://www.facebook.com/notes/tea-drinkers/tea-article-collection-for-all-your-reading-needs/543535942409150 feel free to peruse ;)
Thanks so much for publishing this list. My research is sporadic and haphazard, so it’s incredibly helpful to have all of these resources in one place. Grazi!
No problem :) I like sharing knowledge (also I am a nut for organization!)
Read, Read, Read and taste away. Ask for help as I know I did.
Thank you for all the information. Now it is time to read!
My absolute favorite book on Chinese tea is Bret Hinsch’s The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Tea. I have read that book from front to back so many times! :) Aside from that, I try to soak up info from those much more knowledgeable than me.
Amazon has only the kindle version. Do you know where to buy online Bret Hinsch’s book?
I actually only have the kindle version. I will ask the person that got that version for me if he knows where to get a physical copy!
Very useful thread for a tea-beginner like me! Thanks for sharing all these info!
Beginners might also be interested in this overview of origins and history of tea (available in English, German and Italian):
A book that covers about everything, is “The Tea Companion” by one of the foremost experts in the tea field. Jane Pettigrew. Excellent information and you won’t go into overload!
And what about books dedicated to pu’er? Any advice?
I recommend books by Chan Kam Pong, especially “A Glossary of Chinese Puerh Tea”.
I cannot find it online. Any idea where to buy it?
Actually, I have no idea. I got it at a trade event quite a while ago. Sorry. Maybe it will pop up on ebay at some point.
A few others.
Hktea forum.
I second Teachat.
Also, http://www.marshaln.com/ but not very Steepster friendly.
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