Artisan Hot Chocolate is now a Reality! Check it out!

Thanks in large part to our amazing Steepster fans, we have recently created a new line of organic hot chocolates to add to our lineup of teas, including a new “Coconut Hot Chocolate” blend. Check it out here:

We’re now fully funded, which means you are guaranteed to receive some delicious cocoa. We’re also committed to shipping out orders before Christmas, so this could also make a great gift. Thanks so much for your love and support!

-Ellie & Seth

2 Replies

Congratulations. I find myself curious about the tea side of things. Will you continue to offer teas or are you switching it up to chocolate now?

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@LiberTEAS – Thanks! Tea will still continue to be our primary product. However, we work with several local schools/churches/small businesses that were looking for fair trade & organic hot chocolate options, and it inspired us to expand in this direction. Tea will always be our primary passion :)

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