I can’t resist! I plan on getting a cake of Five Century Raw. Did you get another new one in? You mentioned something about it being from old trees.
Hi!! Yes, we got in more DaXue cakes. They are flying out of here. Also… this just came in and we are excited to be able to offer it at such a great price: https://shopmandalatea.com/raw-pu-er-tea/2014-jingmai-raw-puerh-cake.html Good stuff. I have 12 left in stock. Hoping we can get more from the supplier, but it’s quite a small batch production, so we will see. Thanks!!
That is a good price for such a large cake!
I have a couple shu samples still to try but am thinking about taking advantage of this as a treat to myself after a few stressful months. Can any of our experienced Mandala drinkers make a few recommendations?
I prefer Chinese blacks and good shu. I like the cocoa, pepper, honey, hay, sweet notes. Not much for assams or anything that gets bitter/astringent but I don’t mind strong flavours as long as they’re not bitter. Basically looking to pick up a bit of the best valued black/shu.
The discount will help offset Canadian shipping and terrible exchange rate, hah! :) What a great offer Garret, and thanks to you and Jamie even if I don’t get an order in.
Special dark, Phatty cake.
Phatty cake II and Morning Sun. No fru fru teas. Apparently I have a masculine taste :)
What mr mo said, plus Noble Mark. For black – Black Beauty is awesome
Thanks, all! I went with Phatty Cake II (tried it and liked it), the assortment of mini tuos for work and the Old Tea Nugget brick because it was on sale and I’m a sucker. There were loads of things I wanted to try, but I really wanted to keep it small. This was small-ish. :)
Did you get the Temple Stairs mini tous? Those rock!
I was going to get them separate, but Garret said there are some in the general bag too so I just went with that. Hopefully I get a few! :)
There will be some of the new Temple Stairs minis for you :) Thank you! I will package this up personally and make sure it goes out today. And thanks for all the recommendations, my friends. Wow… makes this tough business a bit easier to deal with when I read these nice comments. I am grateful!!
I think that your care and the quality of your teas are shown in your customer support. I rarely add new vendors to my repertoire, but Mandala is a great place to go for unflavoured tea. Now to get an order in for some black teas in the new year! :)
Nice timing. I’ve had an eye on your tea trays for a while now. Seems like I’ll need to take the time and get an order together in the next day or so. And why not pick up on a few teas while I’m at it? :)
I couldn’t resist this sale. Order placed.
Your order is on its way, my friend!! Thank you!
My order arrived today, the post office was a day late, thanks Garret.
Considering the 1/4 pound of mini tuos in addition to some other things to make pu at work easier. Has anyone tried them? Is it a worthy idea? I keep adding and deleting. It’ll be next year before I make decisions.
It’s a nice assortment of ripe mini’s. It also has some of the 2014 Temple Stairs mini-tuos that we had pressed from some very tasty, very clean ripe tea. I’m picky about mini’s. Most mini’s are junk and for every 10 that I try, maybe one makes the cut for me to want to sell to my customers (or drink myself, for that matter). Thanks!
Maybe I can remove the temple stairs mini tuos from the order then, haha. Thanks for that unfo!
I got a bag of not-so-mini tuos and although I only tried one so far I enjoyed it quite a bit. Have yet to write a tasting note, maybe that is something I should plan for this weekend. Garret has given me 4 total temple stairs tuos in my last two orders which have gotten good feedback on here. I am looking forward to trying them. This Saturday may turn into a Tuo-sday!
Okay, order in! A cake, a brick, a bag of tuos. Shu for home and work – a good day!
OMG! Perfect timing! I was planning an order for after we got back from Nevada. Gonna do that right now! Thanks, Garret!!!
Done! Here I come mini tuocha!!!!
I am going to be in trouble for this I think.
I would like to know how that would be any different than usual. :)
it’s not I just have to “intercept” and I will be good.
Don’t worry, John. I put the return address as Victoria’s Secret. You’re good.
Garret , they don’t sell anything in my size… :) :P
hahahaha John!!!!!!! I just blew hot pu’er tea through my nose upon reading that!
Variations on a Neti Pot?
Life is too short not to have some fun Garret. Sorry about the tea nose..
I’m having a really hard time finding the pumpkin spice tea on your website. Can you help me with that?
I’ll create a pumpkin spice just for you :) Next lifetime.
Yeah I was looking for a nice pumpkin gingerbread chai latte puerh. I couldn’t find those???
I could help you with that… :))
It was probably beside the pumpkin spice tea that I JUST could not find! LOL
Sil – was going to say something about shu pu’erh being a really nice base for stove top prepared chai – but I think I should just slink away before I get kicked out of the Mandala fan club…..
There’s nothing wrong with flavored or blended teas, Dex. It was just funny to me because that’s not what I think of when I think “Mandala Tea”.
Don’t slink off… Come over here and show us your spiced puerh wonders! Maybe we need a new thread for fall recipe blends.. Hmmmm or is there one already?
Pumpkin gingerbread chai latte pu’erh is on the menu for tonight. Will post pictures…. As with all recipes quality ingredients make for a better end product. In my world quality pu’erh = Mandala. Don’t look Garret….
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