White2tea Club - Tea Delivered to Your Doorstep Every Month
Like mrmopar, I will also vouch for the quality of White2Tea. Great tea (if you like puer) and great service! I would also add that the cost of shipping is included in the $29.99 price of admission.
Best wishes,
P.S. Nice to see you on Steepster, TwoDog2!
Thank you for all the praise and support. We will be trying a few test shipments to other countries, though the shipping might be slower. If anyone is interested please feel free to contact us. Ditto for any questions I missed!
One last reminder for any procrastinators like me – if you would like to sign up for the November shipment from the tea club, you have just under 12 hours!
Sneak preview, there will be a 10 gram sample of this tea, as well as other great teas!
Procrastinator checking in. Hope I made the cut off! I’m excited to see how this tea club turns out!
One more in before the deadline. I tried to resist, but I was not strong enough. I can’t wait to see the first shipment! :)
Just got it. So excited!
So, has anyone sampled the Duck Shhh Oolong yet?
A preview of the big (see: heavy) item in the December tea club package:
Also, from last months shipment, the tins of shu are here:
The Oolong owl can always be counted on for Nintendo and Tool references – and many more. That’s why you are my favorite owl
Ooh, those games were the best!
I’ve got a sudden urge to throw trashcans and pick up goons to beat up other goons with now.
Currently sipping away at the 2008 Often. Pleasant smokiness, BIG sweetness, lovely aftertaste. Rock solid sheng that one could easily drink daily. Really neat addition for the December subscription. I look forward to trying Barb’s Breakfast Black. Can’t wait to see what is in store for January :)
I had the same hope, boychik, & I share your disappointment…sigh…maybe tomorrow…
Seems a couple of other packages from the group (including one to my mother?! ) have still not arrived. I am going to send out a second parcel soon. I think the delay might have to do with large shipping volume for the holidays. Let me know how I can help, on steepster or contact me below!
January’s subscription unexpectedly arrived today. Currently sipping away at the Big Tree Red. Definitely prefer this one to last months Barb’s Breakfast Black, which I found a tad too sweet for my taste. Big Red Tea still has sweetness but there is a lot of strength there…not really bitter, but you can taste the tea is strong even with shorter steeps. Nice long finish to boot; sweet and ripe fruits? Very good endurance. I have limited knowledge on this type of tea, but found it highly enjoyable. It packs some punch which will always be my preference. Still not quite a black tea convert, but it certainly makes a nice change inbetween my daily puerh ritual.
Oh and happy holidays :)
Ohhh… what else is in January’s package?
(Side note: Black metal is the best metal)
I have not tried them yet but the other 2 teas are Dark Feather Dancong 10g sample and a 2008 Haichao Chenxiang Ripe Puerh 125g mini cake. I really enjoyed the Duck Shhh Oolong Dancong so look forward to tasting the Dark Feather.
Paul describes the 2008 Ripe Puerh as “fragrant like spices and sweet fruit”. It’s not on site yet…definitely one of the perks of being part of the subscription service. I have a lot of ripe puerh so will let this one sit and rest for a month before tasting. I am sure it will be good stuff :)
@ Tea Pet – I love most metal but have a big soft spot for early Norwegian black metal in spite of the rather primitive, raw sound. Good to see you are a fan too :)
Boo, where you live DarkStar? You keep getting the White2tea packages first!
side note, black metal is freaking awesome! There’s a few of us metal fans here at Steepster. Tea is so metal.
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