Internet Tea Sourcing
Here is a page I put together containing many of the sites recommended by all of you as a guide. I added some notes on each one as I explored them, please feel free to copy and paste it for your own information and let me know if anything needs to be edited or added. Thank you!
Hi Parcifal. That is a nice list. The capital the site I recommended is the Canadian site though.
I’ve never bought from the American company though there are several people here who have.
Got it! Someone had messaged me the other one and I thought it was the same lol… I added both :) Thanks!
Hello Parcifal,
Your website provides an enjoyable atmosphere. How is your list ordered?
- Arbor Teas: – USA, High-quality organic teas, Excellent service.
- Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea: – USA, Well-regarded by several Steepster members, pricey.
- DAVIDsTEA: – Canada, large selection of flavored teas, highly-rated teaware by Steepster, Excellent service.
- Rishi Teas: – USA, High-quality organic teas
- Shanti teas: – Canada, High-quality Organic teas
- Steven Smith Teamaker: – USA, Smith started both Stash Tea and Tazo Tea.
- TeaLux: – Canada, 400+ loose leaf teas, 100+ Certified Organic teas
- Verdant Tea: – USA, Highly rated by Steepster.
- Zen Tea Life: – Canada, Excellent service & very affordable sales
Mandala Tea: Additional info. – Very helpful, Excellent service, Pu’erh teas highly rated by Steepster. and are both absolutely excellent! The first specializes in amazing Fujian teas. The latter specializes in amazing Taiwan oolongs and black teas. The customer service for both are just inspiring. They are amazing people.
I will review and add these later on tonight :)… Once I get the list more complete I will organize it somehow. Thanks for the help all!!
- The teaware selection & inventory at many sites varies with the time of the year. Sites that currently offer a limited assortment generally have more to offer at other times of the year.
- Shanti: Not 400+ organic. They offer: 400+ loose leaf teas, 100+ Certified Organic teas
- Smith sold both Stash & Tazo:
- For the tea suppliers I listed, all the web addresses are correct. However, all the links send one to Arbor teas.
If you are looking for Darjeeling 1st flush teas, then I’d add Mariage Freres to the list. They have over 500 teas on their price list.
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